Sanctuary Walls; Welcome Me Home

Start from the beginning

"I'll manage, Doll. Let's get you tucked ready for bed."

He knew she wouldn't want to go to sleep while wearing her work clothes so he gently pulled away and moved to stand in front of her, taking her hands and hoisting her up into a sitting position. "I have to shower," she grumbled, swinging her legs off the bed again and leaning forward to rest her forehead against his arm.

BT chuckled, "Well, that'll be step one."

Helping her to her feet, he guided her toward the door that he could already see led into a small washroom. She quickly checked the back of the door to make sure her towel was still hanging there before she glanced back at BT. He had moved to collect his discarded drink and was now looking over the small spice rack that sat on the top of her fridge. She felt bad that she didn't have a television or something for him to entertain himself with, but she didn't intend to take too long.

Closing the door behind her, she quickly shucked off her clothes from her day—feeling dirtier than usual—and turned on the shower to give it time to warm. Brushing her teeth in the meantime, she avoided looking in the mirror. She knew what sight would meet her; pasty skin, shadows beneath her eyes, that familiar panicked glaze across her eyes.

She was so sick of that sight.

Quickly dipping her fingers beneath the spray and adjusting the temperature, Iris spat out the toothpaste and rinsed the sink before she stepped into the smallish stall.

Nothing felt better after a day like hers than a hot shower. It soothed the ache that had build up between her shoulders as she desperately tried to act normal in front of Jessica, the faint headache that lingered inside her temples also eased just a bit more. Best of all, the filthy feeling that clung to her after hanging up on that man was washed away with each scalding droplet. Her showers always verged on the side of too-hot, but the high temperature was the only thing that seemed to help.

Once she had fully scrubbed down, she stepped out into the steamy air and blindly sought out her towel. She kicked aside the lump of clothes she had left sitting on the floor and quickly started toweling herself down before the water had a chance to cool on her skin. Ringing the remnants of water out of her hair, she paused while leaning over the sink as she realized she had forgotten something.

She never brought her clothing into the room with her. No need when she lived alone. But now BT was out in the main area of her apartment and her clothes required her to walk around her bed and into the small closet nook, then back around the bed and into the bathroom to actually dress.

All while in her towel.

Her face pinched with embarrassment as she dropped her head backward, long strands of wet hair falling across her exposed back.

Perhaps if she hadn't been so ready to sleep when she stepped into the room, she'd have remembered this step of her nightly routine sooner. Unfortunately, there was little she could do now.

Normally, she would twist her hair and hang it over her shoulder. This time, she shook the wet locks out around her shoulders in an attempt to cover some of her skin. Then, she scooped her dirty clothes up into her arms and stood in front of the bathroom door.

Since when had that door seemed so imposing?

Knowing that delaying would only make her nerves worse, she twisted the knob and opened the door a crack. BT was sitting on the end of her bed, one of her textbooks in his hands as he read over where she had left off. From the size of it, she assumed it was the accounting one she had purchased to help her with balancing the books for work.

"I gotta say, this stuff goes right over my head," he commented. Clearly, he had heard the door open.

Resting her head against the doorframe for a moment to collect herself, Iris opened the door enough to slip out. "I never used to get it either; helps if you start reading at the beginning," she responded, trying to keep her voice light even as she felt her throat tightening.

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