Zitti E Buoni

23 1 0

Sebastian was swarmed with reporters as soon as he stepped out of the vehicle and bid his goodbye with the driver. He simply adjusted his tie and started making his way through the crowd. Luckily the two story building's doorstep was only a few meters away.

A typical Wednesday for him but he was in a surprisingly good mood. That was, until a woman about his age managed to push the mic she was holding all up in his face and speak up over everyone else.

"Mr Wyatt, can you give a statement on the recent dating rumors between Trippers' vocalist Keith Rowley and actress Jade Jackson?".

"Miss, excuse me for the question but who are you reporting for?", he asked as he stopped in his tracks, calm and collected as the group of people circled around him like hungry sharks.

"I represent 'Vigilant' magazine, sir.", she said in an awkward mixture of pride and confusion. That wasn't the answer she expected. But an answer was surely coming. He leaned into the mic. The crowd held their breaths.

"I'm certain the readers of 'Vigilant' and any other press here are extremely eager to know but I'd encourage them to redirect their curiosity to Trippers' upcoming EP instead. The boys have been working very hard on their music these past few months... because that's what they are, a musical group. Rowley's private life shouldn't be a matter of your thoughts and concerns.", his expression was unreadable but those on the faces of the reporters were.

The bunch of journalists fell silent. Only the door of the house could be heard opening and closing behind Sebastian. He took a deep breath and walked into the sitting room. No one was here yet. Of course, it was his duty as a manager to be here first.

The boys started coming in soon, a few minutes apart from one another, all in sunglasses, face masks, scarves, baseball caps. None of them had any problems with the reporters, who'd long dispersed because of the statement. The drummer, Johnathan, made coffee. A light conversation about some new melodies started. Someone was missing.

Keith unlocked his phone to check the time as he crossed the street, looking both ways. Fuck. He was late again. He should've just taken the damn shortcut while he could. His stupid anxiety was acting up so bad and he was scared of meeting reporters on the way. He wasn't really supposed to say anything to them but he was afraid of what they were gonna say to him.

He unlocked the door in turn and walked in. He took his shoes off, then his leather jacket, his sunglasses and his snapback hat, leaving his hair disheveled.

"Sorry I'm late.", he said as he looked around the room to notice no empty seats, "I took the longer route.". Drummer, bassist, and lead guitarist all greeted him, acknowledging his presence.

He walked up to Sebastian and sat on his lap sideways, wrapping his arms around his neck. The conversation carried on as per usual. The manager couldn't help himself and ended up shuffling his hair back into place as the vocalist moved closer. It was cut shorter now but back when they met...

Keith was unstoppable. He would absolutely wreck the stage. Then after the show, he'd run to the bathroom backstage. Sebastian would go in with him and hold his hair back as he threw up in the toilet. He was managing his anxiety (and his hair) way better now. Sebastian tried not to get sentimental. All of them had gone a long way in such a short time and so had he.

Keith turned his head to him, leaving only a few centimeters between their faces and whispered, "I missed you, Seb.". His voice was soft and sweet, unlike how he sounded when he was performing - raspy, like his mouth was filled with gravel. 

"Me too.", Sebastian nodded simply in a similarly quiter tone, "Any progress on that song you've been writing?".

"Working on it. I just need a bit more inspiration...", his eyes fell to the manager's lips instinctively. Sebastian nearly gave in at his boyfriend's reaction. He held up his chin tenderly.

The little menace that Keith was, he immediately visibly melted. His eyes seemed to sparkle for a second, no longer staring at Sebastian's lips but his eyes. He was inching to get closer but Sebastian carefully turned his chin to the bassist, Owen, who was speaking, "Later. Focus now, please.". Keith nodded enthusiastically.

After a few hours the band members started leaving one by one, disappearing into the night until two were left.

"You coming, Keith?", the lead guitarist, Theo, asked as he started putting his own jacket on.

"I'll be off a little later.", Keith waved him goodbye.

Once they were alone, Keith readjusted himself on Sebastian so he was still in his lap but he was facing him properly and his legs were on the other's sides.

"Got asked about Jade again.", Sebastian shared, staring into nothing. Keith's head tilted sideways, arms resting on his manager's shoulders, trying to catch his eye.

"And? You handled it well, baby. I didn't see any press on the way here. None of us did.", Keith pointed out, "Plus... Theo showed me the article while you were talking to Johnathan.". He thought to himself, they wrote it so quickly. These bastards.

"Yeah, I- of course.", he didn't know where he was going with this.

"Are you worried?", Keith asked a bit more seriously this time.

"Not really. It's a good cover up."

"I wish it was different too.", the vocalist understood without words and took Sebastian's out of his mouth. He wasn't thinking of Jade, nothing but a childhood friend of his who happened to also rise to fame. He wasn't thinking of how her managers didn't issue a statement so Sebastian had to. He wasn't thinking of the song he was writing.

Only thing on his mind was the man in front of him.

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