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Chat Noir POV

Meanwhile, Chat is still patrolling and he goes to the Eiffel Tower, and looks in every nook and cranny for his 'jUsT a FrIeNd".

Author: I'm so sorry for writing that 😭🤚 I was like fvck my brain for thinking that 😠

At one of the high floors of the Eiffel Tower, he finds a secret door and surprise surprise, he finds ladybug, laying there, sleeping. At that moment he gets an akuma alert and quietly leaves the room to leave ladybug alone even though he wanted to know why she was there. But anyways, right when he was gonna go fight the villain he realizes that ladybug didn't get the alert since she was sleeping and her bug phone was off. So he goes back and slowly wakes up his bugaboo. Ladybug opens her eyes and screams while flipping over chat noir as a reflex.

Chat noir: "ow."

Ladybug: "dammit chat... why did you wake me up like that?! Wait, YOU WOKE ME UP?!"

She quickly looks down at her clothes to make sure that she was ladybug and not Marinette. She sighs seeing that she fell asleep as Ladybug.


Chat noir puts his finger on her lips and says

Chat noir: "shhhhh! It's 2 am and I don't know why you are here but I can't exactly ask you because of our secret identities but there is a super villain. The news says that it is Truth (luka) again so we have to get to work."

Ladybug starts softly crying once she hears that she has MORE work to do. She couldn't just bottle up her feelings anymore and hugged her kitty and sobbed on his shoulder. Chat noir, shocked, tells her that she can tell him everything... or nothing.

Ladybug: "well, I'm a guardian now and it's... it's terribly overwhelming😭. Plus I'm still Ladybug so I can't just stay at home playing with the kwamiss which is probably what the past guardians did. And then there is my real life. My friends, my family, and I shouldn't be telling you this but I go to school too! I have way to much work and things going on right now chat 🥺 it's why I am here in the first place."

Chat noir: "I don't know if this helps m'lady but sometimes when you feel too weak, I can take over the defeating the villain part. All you'd have to do is capture the akumas and set free the butterflies. Sometimes, only if you feel comfortable, you can lend me the miracle box and I could watch over the kwamies for a few hours. Maybe a day. Kind of like a babysitter?"

Ladybug: "you'd do that for me chat? 🥺🥺"

Chat noir: "you know i'd do anything for the lady of my dreams."

Ladybug: *giggles* "thanks kitty. You really made me feel better. Si should've just gone to you instead of running away from my problems."

Chat noir: "you know I'll always be there m'lady ;)"

Ladybug gets back into fighting mode

Ladybug: "yes I do know that, and now let's go kick some hawk moth butt."

Chat noir: "uhm that sounded so wrong on so many levels but I'll let it slide."
*^^says that sassily^^^*

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