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Chat Noir POV

Chat calls ladybug to let her know, but Ladybug lets it go straight to voicemail. He leaves a message.
"M'lady, a French girl we both know went missing in Paris. She goes by the name Marinette Dupain Cheng, she is 15 years old and goes to Francois DuPont High School. Please call me back, we need you in this search party."

Author : hehe yes this is the same message that chat noir left for ladybug in t(e Shanghai Special.

Ladybug POV

Ladybug listens to the message and realizes that everyone was worried about her. But she still didn't want to go back to all the responsibilities. So she detransforms and asks Tikki what she should do.

Tikki: "Marinette, your family and friends are worried and scared for you. Go back home, can you imagine what all this fear would do to people? So many people will have so many negative emotions and that would mean a LOT of villains to fight. Hawk moth would definitely take advantage of this! Please go back before things get out of hand."

Marinette sobs because she doesn't want to go back just yet.

Marinette: "tikki... I can't do it. I need a long break. Please... don't make me go beck yet."

Tikki: "I can't force you to do anything Mari. But you asked for my advice and I'm telling you that you need to go home. Bad things could happen if you keep this up."

Marinette decides not to listen to Tikki. Instead she calls her parents and her friends and tells them all that she is okay and that she just needed some time alone. She assured them that she was in a safe place and she would come home once she felt better.

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