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AN: read this before you head into the chapter.

Goh likes chole from the begining but did not have courage to show her but being with Ash made him confident.

Sorry if there are any fans for Goh this will be the last chapter for Goh and Ash together. From next few chapters the actual story will start before the main arc .

Last chapter Ash and Goh went to Galar to research about pokemon dynamaxing randomly in public places and encountered the darkest day which is actually caused by eternatus. Ash and Goh managed to defeat eternatus, with the help of zacian and zamazenta. Later Ash heard a voice in his head calling for help and he released eternatus.

After a tiring journey from Galar to Kanto and yesterday's encounter with eternatus made them exhausted and they went straight to bed after their arrival without even having their dinner. And it's pretty late in the morning and yet both of them haven't woke up.  So Pikachu alarm clock has to do it's work by firing a thunderbolt at them. Both of them woke up and went into the bathroom to do their daily routines. Once finished they headed to the dining room and finished their breakfast which consists of pancakes and orange juice.

After the breakfast they headed towards the Green House to introduce the newest additions to the family. Once they reached Ash released his pokemon.


While Goh released his pokemon

All the pokemon congratulated Lucario and cinderance for they evolution. And we all know what Dragonite do when he sees new additions.

After the introductions both Ash and Goh left to meet professor cerise.

"Good morning professor" both of them greeted the professor who is seeing the information collected by them during darkest day.

"Good morning Ash and Goh" professor greeted back. "I have looked into the information you sent about the darkest day in Galar and it's really fascinating" he said as he continued his work.

"Oh yes professor actually reference of  darkest day is not a day but a pokemon, people in olden times misinterpreted it, and actually there are two hero's not just one , and both are the Pokemon of sword and shield ,zacian and zamazenta" Goh explained all his findings in Galar region .

"Thats some wonderful research Goh, I am sure if you try you will become a researcher" Professor praised the boy. Goh rubbed back of his head in embrasment.

"Hey Dad what are you doing " came a voice from behind them.

The duo turned to face Chloe who is walking along with her Yamper.
"Good morning Chloe, what are you doing here" Goh greets before professor and is confused why she is still here at the labratory rather than being at school.

"Good morning chole, I see your summer vacation has started " professor greets and Goh got his answer

"Good morning Chloe""pika pi" ash greeted along with Pikachu who greeted Yamper.

"Good morning to you three, what are you doing here" she questioned.

"We are discussing about the adventures we did in Galar recently" Goh said.

"Oh"Chloe face saddened but professor and Goh both noticed it but Ash is this thinking about something.

"So Chloe what are you planning to do in the vacation" Goh asked again trying to change topic but it only made her sad even more.

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