Chapter 1: A New Mission

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"When life closes a door, another one is always opened. You just have to find the key."

I was in my room waiting for my lunch to be brought up by Peter. Father was in his office speaking with some of his close friends. We needed allies for the war. The war is between my father and his twin brother. Father wants to send me away to keep us safe. Its outrageous! But, I must to keep Stella safe. Stella is my younger sister. Her name Estellar Ember Reed is feared on our planet. She was attacked as a toddler and now her magic is unstable. She has outbursts of magic that have injured and even killed people before. She doesn't mean to but she can't control it. Stella is in the gardens with Clementia Collins. Clementia is a daughter of Nyx which technically makes me her uncle, but its too complicated and weird to think about. Clementia is very good with children, so she takes care of Stella. Her husband and sons were killed along with my mother in the last war. Then, Peter bought in my lunch, and once I finished I started packing. I would leave in the morning with Stella for Camp Half-Blood. But, I had a secret that only me and my father knew. I was to find two boy's. The first one has black hair, sea-green eyes, and is a son of Poseidon. His name is Perseus Jackson. He is a Savior of Olympus and a part of a lot of prophecies. So, I'm guessing he's one of the popular kids at camp. The second ears a lot of black and he's a son of Hades. His name is Nico DiAngelo. I'd have to find them and protect them. The demigods had no chance against my uncle Order. Maybe the son of Hades, Nico could, with his Umbrakinesis powers, but not for long, and surely not alone. As son of Chaos, it was my duty to protect them as well as I could. Even after all the gods did to me. All the horrible things they caused. And I had to save them. How cruel the Fates could be.

I packed everything I needed in my backpack. My bag was never-ending so I could fit anything in it. Clementia had left Stella's bag here so I could make sure we bring it. I slung both of our pack's over my shoulder and put my belt on. My sword was placed in its holster on the left part of my belt and a small pouch of cards hanging from the right part. As I placed them on, the belt and all disappeared. They would reappear when needed. My katana's were already strapped on my back and they disappeared as well. I checked that my ring was on my right hand and set out for the gardens.

I reached the gardens and saw Stella listening to a bird whistle and sing, while Clementia sat there on the bench. She smiled when she saw me, and then her smile faded a little.

"So he's sending you guys away in the morning. Isn't he?"

"Yes. But we'll leave now since we've got a long way to go. I'm gonna take her to see my father right now and then we'll head off. You'll be safe, won't you? You know you can come with us." I told her.

"Don't worry Ash. I'll be okay. I can't leave. This is my home. Liam, Zack, and Sam fought for our home. And so will I." She said with a grim smile.

I nodded. Liam was her husband. Zack and Sam were her sons. They died a year prior in the war. They were 21. I was 15 but I was really close with the twins, especially Zack. I understood how Clementia felt in a way. I had lost my only two friends, and my mother. My beautiful mother. My beautiful and kind mother. When I looked into Stella's eyes I saw my mother. My mother smiling at me, my mother asking me of I was okay, my mother being proud of me. I was now 16 years old. I have black wavy hair, freckles, and hazel-green eyes. When I use my magic, my eyes go a swirling galaxy power. My full name is Henry Asher Reed. Most call me Henry Asher, but Clementia always calls me Ash. Stella is six years old. She has platinum blonde hair with brown eyes. She has a scar on her forehead from when she was attacked in last year's war. I hugged Clementia and said my goodbyes. It hurt leaving her. She was like an older sister to me. Stella hugged her goodbye and we left to see my father. My father: Chaos himself. Creator of the Universe. Primordial of Everything and Nothing. The Great Gap. The Great Nothing. The Protogenos. The Empty, Unfathomable, Mysterious, Space from the beginning of time. Primeval Emptiness. Favorite Son of Helix. Yeah... This guy was my dad. I was holding Stella's hand leading her towards my father. When he saw us his face lit up. He was slumped on his throne, thinking about his childhood with his brother, Order. I could tell from the peaceful look on his face. "My son. I assume you are prepared to go to Earth. I nodded, my face not showing any emotion. He sighed. "I know Henry. You hate me for this. But I must keep you and Stella safe..."

I didn't answer or look him in the eyes. "Henry. Ever since your mother...passed you've changed. I understand that it was traumatic to you. But she would want you to be happy and live your life to the fullest."

I just stared at a column next to him. I didn't want to speak with him. Our relationship was always strained when he made vital decisions about my life without thinking to consult me. But it was true. I had changed. I never smiled nor laughed. I didn't have any hobbies any more. The Protogenoi card game that my mom and I had invented was carefully concealed in the pouch on my belt. But I never took them out. My basketball was somewhere in my closet and my sketchbooks were gone. I threw them off the planet, and they warped somewhere on Earth. "Can we get this over with?" I asked.

My father sighed again and got up. He came over to hug me. He wrapped his arms around me and I just stood there stiff as a board. He pulled away and looked me in my eyes. A moment passed and he turned to Stella. "I'm gonna miss you my Stellar. Take care of your brother okay?"

Stella smiled. "Okay Dad! Me and Henry will be okay." Dad smiled at her and hugged her. She clung to him as a few tears fell from her eyes. I could see Dad's eyes get watery, tears threatening to spill. "I'll miss you Dad." I heard her say sniffling through tears. "I'll miss you too my little star." He responded. After a few minutes, they stopped hugging and Dad told us one final goodbye. I saw Peter standing at the doorway and I gestured for Stella to wave. She did and so did I. He looked at me and I knew. Peter was worried that we would go out by ourselves at the mercy of monsters. He's a son of Poseidon. Only 18 years old. Peter Johnson... was the only person I had left that I could truly call a friend. I saluted him and I took off towards the bus station that only had one destination: Earth. It would leave us off in New York. Perfect. I picked Stella up and held her in my right hand, leaving my dominant hand free in case of danger when we arrived. I sat in the back and watched as we traveled at hyper speeds. The swirls and colors of the galaxies were making me tired. I waited till Stella fell asleep, then proceeded to close my eyes and drift off. 

Here's chapter one! Pretty uneventful ending. I promise it will get better. -Sierra

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