Ch. 2 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨

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There was 6 kageyamas, who looked the same but the was one difference between them their eyes. "A-am I the only one seeing this?" Suga said being the only one able to speak at the moment, "no, no I-i can see it too" daichi said unsure, the silence was then broken by Hinata saying "WHAT HAPPENED TO KAGEYAMA" genuinely being concerned, "THIS IS YOUR FAULT TANAKA" noya rapidly yelled "WHA-" tanaka tried to speak out but unexpectedly one of the kageyamas spoke up "Don't worry guys I'm fine!" he said in a happy tone too happy for it to be the actual kageyama, Hinata then followed up with " what no boke or anything?" He asked nervously " THERES DEFINITELY GOING TO BE ONE FROM ME" a different kageyama added angrily "well that's a bit mean don't you think" the happy one asked back with a cute pouting face, "okay that was cute" tsukishima thought looking away to the side to hide his blush, "Ok you can stop with the cutesy act it's getting annoying" a different kageyama remarked while rolling his eyes  "this is so weird" yamaguchi spoke up " you mean their weird don't lump me with them" he snarled at yamaguchi "r-right" yamaguchi agreed slightly scared.
"Okay we cant just call you all kageyama, so do have names or?" Suga asked trying to take control of the situation. "Well we actually do have names!" the happy kageyama said, "I'm Happiness" he said with a smile. "This is anger-" "I CAN INTRODUCE MYSELF" he interrupted happiness "of course" happiness replied not wanting to cause any trouble, "right anyway the one behind anger is fear" he continued, while fear just hid behind anger. "Next we have digust" he just rolled his eyes, "then we have laziness" "heeey" laziness said dragging out the e because of his yawn "and last but not least we have-" "lust you can call me lust but you." He paused and walked over to tsukishima "you can call me darling, tsuki~" he winked while clinging on to him , everyone eyes went wide and tsukishima turned red and pushed lust of him which made lust whine, "right well that's everybody!" " that's a lot to take in" daichi said sighing "don't worry daichi you'll get used to it!" Happiness giggled  "we still have an hour of practice so we might as well use it" suga said "I'll play" anger stated "someone has to do it right and that's me." he continued as he walked to the court "COME ON BOKE, DON'T WASTE MY TIME" he shouted after he had got a ball. "This is not gonna end well" hinata thought, Happiness noticed hinata's fear and spoke up "Dont worry hinata just do your best!" he held up a thumbs up "right!" hinata smiled back.
The game was not going well, clearly the dynamics of anger and hinata weren't working well, it was as if the "King of the court" had came back, and it was throwing everyone off "HINATA YOUR NOT CATCHING UP, I THOUGHT YOU WERE FAST!" "AND TANAKA YOU DIDNT EVEN HIT ANY OF MY TOSSES" "Woah! Calm down kageyama it's just prcatice" tanaka said trying cool anger down "PRACTICE?!, JUST PRACTICE, NO WONDER YOU'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH YOU NEVER TAKE ANYTHING SERIOUS!". The whole gym filled with silence "that was too far kageyama." suga said from the sidelines "not cool at all" noya said after "Whatever!" he said on his way out the gym fear following behind and then the door slammed.
The team decided to take a break after that. That's when ennoshita realised "wait, wasn't there 6 of you guys" everyone looked around to find that only one kageyama was still in gym " Where did the rest go?!" Daichi and suga said in unison "Oh! Well disgust left quite a while ago because he was bored and didn't like being in the gym, I have no idea where laziness went." he stopped to ponder "and you obviously know about anger and fear.... but! Lust is still here" he pointed at lust who had his arms wrapped around tsuki's neck slightly dragging him down "ofcourse there's no way I'd leave tsuki here alone~" he kissed tsukishima's cheek making him blush.
"We have to find the rest of the kageyamas before anyone else sees him well them." Daichi said getting confused at the end of the sentence.
"We'll split up" suga suggested "so that we can find them faster" "alright" daichi said "suga you can go after anger, hinata, noya and tanaka you can go after laziness, and me and asahi will go after disgust, tsukishima you stay here incase any of them come back, alright?" "why are you making me stay with this one?!" tsukishima asked clearly annoyed "you just need to keep a tab on him so that we don't loose him okay?" tsukishima sighed," Okay, got it everyone?" "Yeah" they all said in unison.

Heyoo that is the end of ch2 hope you liked it, sorry for any spelling mistakes I didn't have any time to proof read, also I'm sorry for not including ennoshita, narita and kinoshita it's just because I have a specific plan in mind so yeah anyway see on the next chapter!

-SugaarSenpai 💜

Word count: 883

The reaI me? TsukikageTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang