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θ Next day θ

Today I woke up first and I started to prepare the kid's chothes and lunches before they woke up

I prepared some beef with rice and a few watermelons and water for the

kids to eat at lunch and then for breakfast I prepared some wafels and I prepared their uniform

After that it was already 7 so I woke them up one by one and I also started

to wake up Joy since she is going to wake at 1 pm if I don't wake up her now

Joy:"five more minutes and I will stand up mum"
Y/n:"Do I look like your mum?"I said while looking at her sleeping figure and hearing some laugh from the bathroom

I walked to the bathroom and see the two already dressed up and finished

brusing their teeth and washing their faces

Y/n:"let's eat?"
Jisung:"Yes noona"
Y/n:"let's go"I said while getting Yuna in my arms and letting Jisung lead me the way to the dinning room

After making them eat and asking them what they did at school they started to get ready to go to school

I walked in my room and shaked Joy for the last time and said'wake up or

your not gonna have your house today'when I said that she woke up

and she walked in my bathroom to get ready and I said that her breakfast

was in the kitchen already prepared and then I walked out with the kids

Yuna:"Are you going back home late again unnie?"

I looked at her and I can see that she wanted me to say no but she already know the answear

Jisung:"You know Yuna you should just wait for nonna to comeback home after all she is working for us"he said while scolding the little girl
Y/n:"No that is fine Jisung,I promise I will go back as soon as I can"
Y/n:"Yeah I will try now go to school and have a great time okay?"
Yuna and Jisung:"Okay!"

They both gave me a kiss and then they walked inside the school and

before completely walking in they both turned around and they waved me a goodbye

I walked back my house and I still found Joy eating

Joy:"wow this food is really delicious Y/n!"
Y/n:"thanks,so can you pay your rent?"
Joy:"furtunatly yes!"
Y/n:"Good job!"

We both went in for a high five and after eating she finally left

In the past houres I just watched a movie in the tv and eating some

food when it's finally time for me to get prepared for the show this night

The kids already came back and I made sure that they could eat dinner

so while I was preparing the stuff that I need for the night I was glancing at them from time to time

When I am finally ready to leave I opened the tv for them so they can

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