━━ chapter two

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feeling like young gods

sweet tea in the summercross your heart, won't tell no otherand though I can't recall your faceI still got love for you

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sweet tea in the summer
cross your heart, won't tell no other
and though I can't recall your face
I still got love for you

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ✷ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

CAS HAD ALWAYS WONDERED WHAT WENT ON inside of Loki's head. she was fond of coming up with ideas, it was obviously magic and some sort of feelings, which were buried deep.

She found herself wondering about it one morning when she was supposed to be listening to Frigga speak. The reason Cas was here.

"Cas, darling, what is on your mind?" Frigga asked, taking a seat near the girl. Cas shook her head, moving her hair to the side with a sigh.

"Decisions," She said, looking at her hands, which shook ever so slightly. She wasn't exactly lying, she wasn't telling the truth either. It was the place between, and Frigga probably knew as such, but the woman didn't prod.

"do what you think is right," Frigga said as if it were helpful, and though Cas knew she was trying, the help wasn't really necessary.

What she thought was right was good for her cause, but would destroy the life she built.

She wondered what Loki would say. She couldn't tell him, if she did she would be ruined, and lose the only friend she'd ever had. It was better not, to have to make this decision on her own.

"Why don't you go spar with Thor to get your mind off of things and get him to stop bothering his brother?" Frigga asked, breaking Cas from her thoughts.

"Yeah, Okay thank you," Cas says with a bow, leaving the room, walking alone with her thoughts to find Thor.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ✷ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

CAS LEFT HER BATHROOM, HAIR DRIPPING onto bedsheets as she laid down, squeezing her eyes shut, trying to get rid of the massive headache Thor caused. He wore her out faster than anyone in the palace with his brooding blondeness that exceeded her height to an uncomfortable extent. He was nice, but just a lot to handle, and gave her a headache just thinking about it.

"See what I'm saying about him?" Loki asked, scaring her yet again as he read a book in her armchair, resting in the corner, which Cas hadn't paid attention to. She propped herself on her elbows behind her, shooting a pleased-looking Loki a glare.

"what are you doing here?" she demanded, earning another smirk from Loki, who licked his finger and flipped the page.

"It's my home, you are merely living in it," he said with a cutting edge to his voice, closing the book with a bookmark he conjured with his seiðr, setting the book on a table next to him.

"You can't just-"

"I can," He says. What an ego he carried. He was destined to get the throne, a prince who was skilled in magic and scared many people, it made sense. Cas knew how, ever so slightly, to keep it in check, but nobody could do it better than Frigga. Cas was learning at least.

Cas scoffed and shook her head, laying back down. She heard a snicker from Loki, and she pressed her fingers on her temples.

"You're being a lot right now," Cas sighed, reaching to grab her book off of the mahogany nightstand, sitting up, back against the pillows with a sigh from her lips.

Flipping through the pages scripted by Midgardian hands, she found pleasure, pleasure found only in prose created by humans. Loki may have thought they were petty and stupid, his entire existence didn't rely on them.

It was a Shakespearean story that she was enjoying, named the merchant of Venice, though messed up as it was she was enjoying it. she was on Midgard for the Shakespearian era, when Queen Elizabeth ruled.

The Midgard stories were more tasteful than Asgardian ones, as the people had actually suffered. everyone on Asgard lived good lives, so naturally, their stores were boring and lacked taste. Midgardian music was better too, the ways it was displayed and played was so much better than on Asgard. Loki agreed that far, he seemed to enjoy the Midgardian music that Cas brought with her.

Somehow, eventually, Loki and Cas ended up leaning against the side of Cas's bed, listening to some of the Midgardain music that Loki enjoyed. The last time Cas had been in Midgard was the beginning of Vynil records being used regularly, so she stocked up and brought some of it back home with her.

"To be completely honest," Loki said, leaning his head back with a pleased grin on his face. "Midgardians make pretty good music."

"I didn't think it was possible for you to speak highly of them," Cas remarked, looking at him with a smile.

"very funny Cas," Loki replied, shaking his head. "I am capable of doing so, I just don't wish to give them praise where they don't deserve. It's simple."

"ah," Cas said, standing up and flipping the record, earning a confused look from Loki. "I'm going to get something to drink." She explained without him having to ask.

"So you wish to be intoxicated?" He asked, earning a drug from Cas who flipped the record and walked out of the room, turning to stand in the doorway.

"And you don't?" She asks, earning a sigh from Loki as she walked down the hall. Finding a bottle of Asgardian champagne, she grabbed two glasses and hurried back to her bedroom, sitting next to Loki and pouring him a glass.

"you have taste Cas, I must admit, he says as if it will hurt him to do so, it definitely took a tear at his ego. He didn't compliment others often.

"Aw, I'm honored," She laughs, taunting him fully with her tone. He sighs, rolling his eyes.

"You're impossible."

"You're one to talk," Cas replied with a grin.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ✷ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

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❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ✷ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜


ugh, I compiled a list of all of the Taylor songs that fit their dynamic (there are so many) and they are my new obsession istg.

Loki and Cas are both brotp and otp their dynamic is iconic and I love them with all of my heart

Also! When Cas calls Loki her best friend she's not friend-zoning him, neither of them have admitted feelings or realized feelings 

FALSE GOD, loki laufeyson Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt