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My legs burned, the smell of death and blood invading my senses, my packs cries loud in my ears.

I don't understand what I did wrong. I don't understand why they let the Grey Wolves walk all over them. We could be just as strong, just as brilliant, but we let them hold us down. They walked all over my life and I was sick of it.

 I choked on my tears, my eyes burning from the smoke. My once pretty, white new dress trimmed with lace was now torn and dirty.  My braids that Momma spent so much time on were now falling out, spreading my dark reddish black hair across my back.

     I looked back behind me in fear, my grey and yellow eyes glancing around nervously.

I can't believe Momma would let them do this to me, I thought, my heart breaking slowly in my chest.

I looked behind and saw Beta Gregor catching up to me.

"Get back here, you little witch!" He roared, catching up to me.

I urged my legs to go faster. "Go away!" I cried. I just hoped that my ten-year-old legs could hold up. Gregor was a grown Beta wolf, but I was the Alpha's daughter. And I was always a fast runner.

No one liked Red Wolves with red hair. There weren't many of us naturally, many dye it to fit the "red" part. But me, no, I was born with black hair with obvious red highlights. My eyes, they said, weren't natural either. One was grey, a pale color that was pretty normal. The other was bright yellow, with golden flecks. I was not normal, no-sir-ee. I am different, and I defy the powerful Grey Wolves whenever I can, even at my age, and that gave me a few enemies. Daddy doesn't like me anymore, he says I won't make a good pack leader, and he's glad he has the stupid boy he found when I was younger, Peter.

Peter is bigger now, he's 15, and he helped them chase after me. I saw him hit Momma, when she begged for us to leave her and me alone. Its sad, Momma's mate, Daddy, didn't even care.

So I started running, and praying that big, mean Beta Gregor wouldn't catch up. Once I was out of pack territory, they would let me be and let nature run it's course. Eventually I would shift into a wolf and maybe get shot by the silly human hunters. Being a young wolf, it would cause alot damage and chances were, other predatores would finish me off.

     But I was still hoping I could get lucky. No, I knew I was gonna be lucky and make it. I would live as a rogue, free and running from all the packs. I would make it, I'm positive.

Or I was positive, until Daddy's best friend tackled me to the ground, and gave me one of the most evil grins on earth.

Oh boy, I really hoped the Moon Goddess was looking down on me right now, and was already making plans to help me, because, as God as my witness, I was not gonna make it out of this by myself.

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