Ending B-2: I can still remember you

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The white, sterile corridors were cold, the only life there was a girl with short auburn hair who sat in a seat in the hall sleeping.

Nieru came out of her room to see her there. It was only the two of them. The two of them who were mobile atleast.

In the hospital bed in the room Momoe slept outside of laid a sleeping Shi. He was not in a vegetative state. He reacted to outside stimuli however he could not wake up. So it was possible for him to recover.

In his dream the two of them sat. On a natural lookout in the side of a mountain that over looked a small town below.

"I'm proud of you, Momoe, you did exactly as I said."

"I froze I should've stopped her"

"That would've been emotion getting in the way. We had someone to stop and you did it, you did it damn well too. I'm happier you finished it rather then attempting to save me because that would've killed us both"

"But now your in a hospital bed in some cold room because of it"

"Hospital room?"


Shi hugged Momoe tightly, "I-i-i thought I've been dead! Your telling me we still have a chance?"

"Yes, we are actually with Nieru right now. Not too far from her room. She's had staff taking care of you when im not here."

"That's good, Crazy to think she went from picking glass with tweezers to keeping me on life support in a couple of weeks huh?" Shi laughed.

"Its actually coming up on 2 months," Momoe told him

"Oh...well then.." Shi said mildly shocked by that revelation. "After this I'm going to spoil you. I've got some cash saved. We'll have a wonderful fun night."

"I'm sure we will, Shi-kun" Momoe said as she rested her head on his shoulder

Ah yes, Ending B-2, I take risks but not massive risks. Ya gotta give the people what the want. And I've given them what they want, hopefully.

I hope the story has been good. I will still be continuing my oneshots if you'd like to keep up with those. I also plan on making a story about Don't Toy with me, Miss Nagatoro here soon. Vote, Comment and Follow if you enjoyed this. I love you all! Thank you so much for reading! It's truly been a wonderful time!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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