A minor scratch

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Tires could be heard on the mountain screeching before the sound of clashing and warped metal deafened the area

Shi clutches his head,

"Holy Hell", he slams the gas to continue going down the mountain, he needs to pay rent after all

At the base of the pass he finally passes the finish and can stop for a moment. He grabs a rag from his glove box and wipes the blood off from his forehead,

"Damn window, I'll have my windows down from now on" he says as he brushes shattered glass of his seat

"You look a little hurt kid, You need a bandaid?" His opponent remarks

"Yeah, your mother will be sitting in my bedroom picking the glass out of my face for me, now shut your trap and follow me to my place, you can leave the shitbox in the parking lot" he says as they both begin to drive back to Shi's apartment complex

"Who is gonna get the glass out of my face? I know I can't do it myself" he asks himself, "Maybe I'll call the girls over, they are the only people I really have" he decides as he continues driving

In the parking lot, Shi approaches his former opponent

"Here, for your taxi fare, it's the least I can do man" Shi hands the now carless driver some cash before heading to his room

In his bathroom, He attempts to pick glass out with some tweezers, much to his displeasure

"Am I even getting any out? I feel like im just pinching myself. I dont want to tell them because then they'll tell me to stop doing it like my urban exploring, but it will hurt like a bitch to leave these in" He looks at his phone and contemplates texting the group chat

"*sigh* fine" he texts the group

                      ----In Chat----
Shi: Hey guys, I know you are all busy living with people and stuff and you are probably asleep but I need some medical help

Nieru:You can go to a pharmacy or a hospital

Ai:Are you okay???

Rika: What dumb thing did you do tonight

Shi: It involves Shredded Tires, Busted Glass, and my beautiful face

Rika: Has anyone told you that you aren't good at 2 truths 1 lie?

Ai: Rika!

Momo: Rika!

Shi: If I provide a ride for anyone of you guys can you help pick glass out of my face

Nieru: I think I can do it

Rika: Can I watch?

Shi: You need to bring your own snacks

Ai: I'm coming too!

Momo: count me in!

To be continued...

Thank you for reading pal! If you enjoyed this so far and have advice for me on how to improve the structure or have any thoughts on how I portray the characters here just shoot me a message or drop a comment, don't forget to leave a vote if you enjoyed this, any support is much appreciated, thank you!

A Boy With A Priority, A Wonder Egg Priority FanStoryWhere stories live. Discover now