Chapter 7- New York,New York!

Începe de la început

Busy witches and wizards bustled around the lobby. Some hurrying to get to their desired locations, others milling around catching up with colleagues and taking a break. Some were even waiting in line at a wand polishing station ran by an old looking elf.

At the centre of the lobby stood a monument to those who had died in the Salem Witch Trials- a constant reminder as to how dangerous it could be if muggles were to discover the wizarding world. Under the monument were four engraved, Latin words- "Integratas", "Unitas", "Virtus", "Magia". (Integrity, unity, valour and magic). Around the hall were desks and columns decked with each of the original twelve Aurors.

Walking over to what she guessed to be the main reception desk, Eliza stood behind the man in the queue and gathered all her papers together.

"Hello, can I help you?" The receptionist asked after the man had shuffled away. Her thick New York accent took Eliza by surprise. For some reason she had just not been expecting it, she was going to have to get used to that. The receptionist had wild, ginger, curly hair that bounced around freely on her shoulders. Reading her name tag Eliza saw her name was 'Annie'. Eliza grinned at the irony, the name definitely suited her.

"Hi yes, my names Eliza Woods, I'm the newly appointed UK liaison. I believe I was to come straight here? I'm not sure what exactly for."

"Right, just give me a quick second." Annie turned to flick through her giant pile of papers on her desk, almost knocking them all down in the process. Eventually an "aha!" was heard and Annie turned back, giant folder in hand. "This is your welcome package!" She turned it around to read the sticky note at the back. "It's equipped with everything you need to know about American Wizarding laws and regulations, a map of the states, locations of all MACUSA branches, a briefing booklet, Wizarding locations, et cetera, et cetera, oooh and some coffee and tea packages to help you get through it all."

Eliza reached to take the folder from her, slightly surprised by it's heavy weight.

"You are also due for a meeting with President Quahog in 15 minutes." Eliza froze, stunned.

"The President! Now! I thought I was just meeting my new team, if I'd have known I would have freshened up a bit. I just got off a flight, he'll probably think I'm a right mess."

"Oh I have something that will help!" Annie disappeared for a few seconds before reappearing with a hand mirror, a brush, mints, and a perfume. "Will this do? It's my emergency bag, you just never know when you'll need this stuff."

"Annie you are my new best friend, thank you so much!" Eliza declared, quickly sorting herself out. "Any chance you know where the President's office is?"

She nodded. "Straight upstairs, second floor, take the first corridor on your right and it'll be right there."

With another thank you and a wave, Eliza made her way up to the office, slightly more nervous than before. According to Annie, meetings with the President were a very rare thing, especially for non-board members. Turning right at the first corridor, she came across an ebony wooden door. This must be it. Studying the door she noticed little carved wild horses running across the boarders. Eliza stared at door for a little while before realising she never knocked. Was one supposed to knock on the President's door? She didn't want to make a faux pas on her first day. Thankfully a "Come in" saved her from her predicament. Eliza took a deep breath, shook herself slightly and opened the double doors.

"Ah Miss Woods, do come in. May I be the first to officially welcome you to the United States of America." President Quahog said proudly, offering his hand to shake.

"Thank you Mr. President, it's a pleasure to meet you sir."

"The pleasure is all mine dear. Please sit, sit. How was the trip? Not too bad I hope." Quahog moved to sit behind his desk, his deep, blue robes flowing behind.

"A fairly smooth journey, didn't feel as long as it was either."

Quahog grinned and Eliza decided she quite liked him. He was surprisingly kind and seemed to genuinely care about her well-being. It was sweet. He quickly went through everything her job would entail, including letters to both Minister Kingsley and himself once a month- each within a fortnight of each other. As an added side bonus she was also encouraged to attend, if possible, any world leader get togethers, such as formal balls, quidditch world cups etc. It wasn't compulsory but it would certainly help the cause. All in all, it didn't seem too bad, in fact it seemed quite easy, especially compared to her job as a healer. Although, Quahog did assure her the paperwork alone would be enough to stress about.

In fact the only slight problem that arose from the meeting was the location. President Quahog had informed her that her team had been transferred to the new California department, and unfortunately her first meeting was the very next day. He had been pretty apologetic about her having to travel again so soon, but Eliza reassured him that it was no problem at all. The issue was the British Ministry had set up and payed for her full stay here in New York. She would have to find somewhere to stay in California herself until the Ministry transfer her apartment bookings. She hoped she would be able to find something at such short notice.

As the meeting drew to a close, Quahog walked Eliza to the door, shaking her hand once again.

"It's a pleasure to have such an extraordinary witch on the team Miss Woods. Minister Kingsley's letters contained nothing but praise. Not to mention Harry Potter himself recommended you too. I have a feeling you'll do great things my dear."
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A/N- First of all I would like to apologise for the extremely long wait for this chapter. I had it written weeks ago and hadn't realised I never actually posted it! But I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Please vote and comment, it means a lot and shows people still actually want to read this.

Also has anyone seen Shang-Chi yet? What did you you think?

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