12. Burgers and Pies

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They didn't speak much during the drive. Whenever Green tried to make conversation she replied with one or two words and when he tried to make her angry she ignored him. After a while he huffed and stared out the side window with a sulky expression on his face.

The lunch had been a quick break and a bunch of sandwiches from the convenience store by a gas station they stopped at.

Vanessa concentrated on the road. If she didn't look at him she couldn't be tempted to do anything about the frustration churning in her stomach. She could control her actions and deal with her emotions. She wasn't some dumb animal who let her instincts ride her into the ground.

They were making good time, but they were still a long way from San Francisco when she decided to stop for dinner.

"About time," Green muttered when she pulled in at a highway restaurant. "I'm starving."

"You could have said something."

"Ha! You'd have kept driving another hour simply to torment me."

Vanessa tried to smile at him, but she was too tired and too tightly strung to manage more than a grimace.

"Is that another part of me that you like?" she asked instead.

Green shook his head.

"You won't be like this once you've accepted me."

"Ah, so you like every part of me that you think I'll change into?" Vanessa asked, slamming the car door shut with enough power to rattle the side window.

"Why are you mad?" Green asked, coming around the car.

"I'm not mad."

"I might not have known you very long, but I can tell when someone's mad and you're close to spitting.

Vanessa glared at him.

"I'm hungry, that's all," she said.

"If that's what you want to call it," Green said.

He walked over to the back of the truck, opened his bag and pulled out a grey t-shirt. She wasn't sure if she was more relieved or disappointed when he covered up and that just made her angrier.

"Don't worry," he said when he caught her looking. "I can take it off again once we get back in the car."

Vanessa turned and walked over to the restaurant. She ignored his laughter, determined to be the bigger person. She would not let him drag her into another fight that would end with her either tearing his throat out or tearing his clothes off.

Food, she told herself. She needed food. It would put a lid on her emotions. Wasn't that what people said? The expression "eat one's emotions" was so common there had to be something to substantiate it. Right?

The lady behind the register looked bored. Vanessa couldn't blame her. She looked around at the faded red décor. If this was where she had to spend most of her days she'd be bored too.

"What can I get you?" she asked.

Vanessa scanned the menus posted over the woman's head. Burgers or pies? That was the question.

"I'll have two quarter pounders, extra large fries and a vanilla milkshake, please. Oh, and an apple pie. Thanks."

Vanessa looked over at Green who'd joined her in front of the register.

"Sure thing, honey," the lady behind the counter said, sounding significantly more cheerful.

Vanessa frowned at her. She had to be at least twice as old as Green. That didn't stop her from running her eyes up and down his body.

Green - a werewolf storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang