10. Romance

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Vanessa was lost in the kiss. Lost in his taste and scent and feel. His kiss had been fierce at first, but as soon as he felt her respond he had relaxed and she had taken over and slowed things down a little. She had pushed away from the door. Now her hands were lost in his hair and she was straddling his legs to get better access to his mouth.

A small part of her was aware that fast or slow, she shouldn't be kissing him at all. The sensible thing would be to push him away, not pull him closer. Definitely not climb into his lap.

She didn't care. She was enjoying herself too much to bother with being sensible.

His hands were tracing circles on her back. They felt perfect there, but she wanted him to hold her closer so she switched her focus from his lips to his jaw line and began trailing kisses down his neck. She felt his pulse speed up and smiled to herself as his hands tightened around her.

A car passing them honked and she jerked back, breathing hard.

"I'm sorry," he blurted out.

That wasn't the response she had been expecting.

"Oh. Er... okay. For what?" Vanessa asked, blinking.

"That was not how I pictured our first kiss to be."

Vanessa was surprised that he had given any thought to what their first kiss would be like. They'd only met a couple days ago and he'd spent most of that time chasing her. When did he find the time? She froze when another thought struck her. Wait a minute, was he complaining? She glared at him and shifted off of him and back to her own seat.

"Well... technically you're the one who kissed me so ... and for the record I don't like being attacked," she snapped.

"I know. And I'm sorry."

Vanessa felt as if she'd been punched in the gut. That was quite a come-down. She thought the kiss had been pretty nice. One of her best actually, once she got into it. Not that she would ever tell him that.

"Don't be. What you might have lacked in finesse, you more than made up for in enthusiasm," she muttered and started to feel a little bit better when he blushed.

"I got carried away. It won't happen again."

"Good," Vanessa said, starting the car again. "I'm glad we got that sorted."



Green cleared his throat. "I'm not used to having a girlfriend."

"No, I got that," Vanessa said and turned back out on the road. "And it's not like we're completely interchangeable."

"I'm hoping we can do more kissing."

"You just said it wouldn't happen again," Vanessa said, looking over at him.

The more time she spent with Green, the weirder she found him. Every packwolf she's come across, especially those with alfa characteristics, went out of their way to appear in the right and in control of their animal instincts. It was an illusion, of course, but they always justified their actions, right or wrong, with something that would make them appear civilized rather than admit to being savage beasts. They never acknowledged a mistake and they never apologized.

Green had done both. He'd even let her get her way. If he had been alfa in her old pack she would have had to fight him to the death to keep him from biting her and cement the mating bond the moment they met. Letitia's mother's advice to keep an open mind and an open heart came back to her. Mrs. Genvieve usually gave good advice, but in this case Vanessa had her doubts. She hadn't had an open heart for years, but an open mind... she supposed she could try to do that.

Green - a werewolf storyWhere stories live. Discover now