9. Close Encounter

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Vanessa froze in her seat. The green-eyed wolf continued to bare his very large teeth and growl at her from just a few inches away. She cleared her throat nervously and tried to not imagine what it would feel like to have those teeth sink into her neck. 

From what she'd heard, mates weren't supposed to be able to hurt each other physically, but right now she wasn't sure Green eyes was aware of that.

His pupils were so dilated they were nearly black and large drops of saliva hit her seat as he snarled at her. Vanessa tried to remain calm while silently cursing herself. She knew how jealous alphas were. In her old pack people used to get beat up just for looking at the alfa male or female the wrong way when their partners were in the room. Now she'd gone and told him she'd been with others before him. Did she have a death wish?

He gave a loud, menacing growl, waking her from her thoughts and she was suddenly very angry. He was treating her as if she had cheated on him when they weren't even a couple.

"Oh, stop it! Don't act like you have the right to be jealous," she snarled at him, temporarily forgetting to be afraid.

He growled louder and shook his head, slobber flying around them. She would make him clean that up later.

"Of course I've had boyfriends, I'm 25 years old, what did you expect?" she asked him.

He howled with fury and for a second she thought he was going to attack her, but he seemed to stop himself at the last moment. By now he was halfway into her seat and she was pressed to the window.

"Stop snarling! And don't you dare snap your teeth at me!" she yelled at him. "Now, I see that you are upset and riddiculous as that is I'm going to let you have some time to calm down, okay?" she opened her car door. "Either you calm down in here and turn back to human or you go out and run it off. I'll wait here for twenty minutes. If you're not back by then I'll keep driving and our deal is off. Do you understand?"

He growled at her and eyed her throat as if he would like nothing better than to tear it open. She let go off the necklace and readied herself for the transformation. Green snapped at her, coming so close she could feel his breath on her neck. Then he took off and pushed out through her door. Vanessa took a couple of deep breaths trying to get her heartbeat under control. That had been close. Too close.


Fifteen minutes later Vanessa was on the verge of just driving off. She had spent the entire time fighting her instincts to step on it and get as far away from him as possible. That instinct had gotten a lot stronger when she slipped the necklace on. But running hadn't helped before and whether or not she should just drive off. But she promised she'd give him a chance to cool off and she didn't break promises. Not even the rash ones given under duress.

She checked the time for what felt like the hundredth time and took a deep breath to calm herself down. If he got back she'd make sure he left no matter what it took. He was a loose cannon and she couldn't afford having someone like that around.

"Three and a half more minutes and I'm out off here," she muttered to herself and glanced over to the trees again.

He would probably try and follow her again, but this time she wouldn't let him anywhere near her. If that meant heading to Alaska, she was going to Alaska. Besides, Alaska couldn't be so bad. She'd seen Men in trees when she was a kid. If she only went for men in trees she would stay away from wolves. They were notoriously bad climbers.

She checked the time again. Two minutes. She bit her nails, which was something she hadn't done in absolutely years. One minute and 50 seconds. It should be okay for her to go now. What difference could a minute make anyway? He obviously had serious control issues, no way would he be able to calm down enough to get back in the car within twenty minutes. Why did she even care?

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