Her brother's naked body trembled. He had his knees pulled up to his chin, causing his back to promptly display four fresh scratches.

She did the same thing as she'd done for James, pulling a blanket over Remus. He was fast asleep, but she heard his stomach growling.

Seeing as it was safe again now, Eleanor changed back to her normal self. When she looked down at James again, the events of that night come flooding in again.

Eleanor sunk down on her knees in front of her best friend. He tried to smile up at her.

She gently took off his glasses. "I'm so sorry James," she whispered, her voice shaking.

James closed his head and shook his head very lightly. "S'not your fault," he whispered.

Eleanor sighed and grabbed her wamd from the top of the dresser. Her hand trembled as she muttered a quick occulus reparo to fix James' glasses.

She put them back on his nose. Now he could at least see properly again. Peter changed back to himself as well and sat down against the wall across from James. He looked exhausted, rubbing his face like a maniac, probably took keep himself awake.

"Where does it hurt the most?" she asked him, concern evident in the way she spoke.

James' face scrunched up in pain as he tried to point at his leg. "And the cuts sting like hell," he breathed.

Eleanor bit her lip. Yes, she was good with Healing magic, but mending bones was way out of her league.

"Can I see them? Maybe I can stop the bleeding a little," she suggested, looking at the blood stains on his usually pristine white t-shirt.

"Sure," he croaked.

She nodded and tried to lift his shirt a little, but stopped as soon as James started to groan.

"I'm sorry," she muttered before casting Diffindo.

The spell created a tear in his t-shirt. She pulled the fabric apart and winced at the sight of to very deep cuts across his abdomen.

"S'it bad?" he panted, not daring to look down.

She ignored him. "Pete grab his hand," she ordered the blonde boy.

Peter frowned but obeyed nonetheless. "Why?"

Eleanor traced the tip of her wand over the cuts and started to mutter the strongest healing incantation she knew.

James screamed out in pain and squeezed Peter's hand like his life depended on it. Peter, in turn also in pain, tried to stay strong, clenching his teeth together.

"Stop! STOP!" James screamed, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Eleanor looked at him, guilt spread all across her face. "Almost James, just-"

"Merlin's beard!"

The sudden stop of surging pain caused James to let a heavy sigh. Sweat was running down his face when Madam Pomfrey kneeled down on hisbother side.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am I was just trying to stop the bleeding," Eleanor apologised, beads of sweat forming on her forehead as well because of the energy she put in.

She waved her hand at her remark. "No dear it's fine, you did great, let me take it from here," she said. Eleanor knew she was trying to reassure them, but it wad evident in her voice that Pomfrey was shocked as well.

Eleanor got to her feet. As she looked around the room, she realized on what kind of mess the nurse had walked into.

Sirius was now sitting on the couch, his face drained of all blood as watched his best friend in the most pain he'd ever been in.

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