seventeen ; too late

Start from the beginning

"Was I suppose to say that it was okay that you broke my best friend's heart? That it's okay that you had intentions of breaking all of our hearts too? That after sharing deep conversations with you it's okay you betrayed my trust?!" His voiced towered over me. He spun me around so I could look at his face. My eyes were shaking with fear, one more word from breaking down.

I felt his grip on loosen, the anger in his eyes dimming away. "Just tell me what I'm suppose to say to make you stay" His voice cracked.

I shook my head "What the fuck Michael?"

I slapped his hand away "What do you want from me Michael? Because right now I don't understand what you're trying to say. Are you apologizing? Are you scolding me? What the fuck are you doing Michael?"

He looked down, his hands in a fist now. I shoved him "What do you want Michael!?"

He didn't respond and at this point I was boiling with frustration and anger so I shoved him again, this time with more anger "What do you fucking want from me?!"

I was about to push him again when he caught my hands midair, my eyes were now rimming with tears. "I don't know"

He let go of my hands, took one long look at me then turned to walk away.

"Michael!" I called to him "Stop!"

I walked behind him "You don't get to do this again!"

He stopped and turned to face me, his eyes were red and wet with tears. This caught me off guard, I've never really seen Michael cry before an after prom night.

"Do what again?" He growled "I tried to make things okay with us, I tried to give you a chance to apologize"

I grunted in frustration.

"I'm not the only one that has to apologize Michael!"

He took a step back, as my body tensed up.

"I may not believe in love but I believe in heartbreak because I felt it" My voice cracked but I kept talking "I felt it that day and every single fucking day after that."

"B-b-but I thought you only just liked me"

"I didn't just like you, I fucking fell for you. I started to admire every single thing about you, the way you smiled, your different facial expressions, your voice impressions, the way you could get me to laugh. And honestly I hated myself for it at first. I didn't want to believe that I was falling for somebody. It all felt so real. It terrified me, cause we were such great friends and I didn't want to ruin that. I knew you didn't feel the same way and I knew you never would but it doesn't mean it didn't still hurt like hell. Do you know what it feels like to be hated by the only person who made you believe falling for someone could be possible, someone who had to ability to change the way you think. Do you know how much that hurts, Michael?"

"I-I" He stuttered, his face pale now.

"Like I said Michael, I stopped the bet for you. I had no intentions to hurt you"

He gulped, moving closer to me "Frankie....I'm sorry"

"It's too late for sorries" I pushed past him, walking as fast as I could. I heard him call my name so I began to run, the tears pouring out faster and faster as I got near the hotel. I pushed myself into the hotel and rapidly pressed the button to the elevators. When one finally opened I got in and slid myself down to the ground, gasping for air in between the tears.

I cried for a while but I realized I couln't let my band see me like this. Tonight was an important night for them, for all of us and I did not want to be reason we stayed in the hotel room as they tried to comfort me. The elevator reached my floor, I slowly got out as I wiped the tears from my face.

I stood in front of our door for a while, trying to fix myself before I knocked.

The door swung open, revealing Casey in a sparkly red dress, her hair pulled back into a loose bun. "Oh thank God you're here. David was about to go out and find you" Casey pulled me inside the room and shut the door.

I glanced at the clock 6:15. Shit. I didn't realize how long I've been out, I guess I was running through the streets longer than I thought.

Casey handed me a black dress an heels into my hands "Here put this on, we got 15 minutes" She shoved me into the bathroom and told me to hurry and fix myself up.

I didn't bother to look in the mirror as I slipped on the black dress, it hugged me tightly around the waist line, my back exposed by random slits down the back of the dress. I slipped the black heels on, brushed my hair and retouched my makeup a little considering I was crying like ten minutes ago.

"Are you ready yet?" Max pounded on the door.

"Almost" I dug through my back to retrieve my phone, as I pulled it out a piece of paper fell out. I bent down to get it, realizing what it was I didn't hesitate to throw it in the trash. It was Michael's last letter, and I wanted him out of my head. I pulled the door open reveling David, Max and Casey all standing there checking their phones. David was wearing a white button up with black jeans, Max was wearing a black button up with white pants.

I giggled. They always did this, they always wore the opposite color combinations than the other. It was quite cute in a dorky kind of way but it did make me smile.

"Alright!" Max rubbed his hands together "Lets head out guys"


The party was crowded, filled with a bunch of people I didn't know. I tried to stay with my band mates but they were wrapped in their own little worlds. Max and David were busy chatting up these big times from the music industry, and I didn't want to interrupt knowing I wasn't as smooth with words nor people so I tried to keep up with Casey. But she was being pulled back and forth by guys wanting to dance with her. Eventually I found my way towards the bar and took a seat, scanning the crowd for any familiar faces.

"You look lonely"

I spun my chair around to find a very familiar face.


"Hey Franks" He gave me a hug before taking a seat beside me "Two shots of tequila please" he ordered, as the bartender nodded.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Looking for you" the bartender slid two glasses our direction.

"Really? Why?" Calum handed me a glass.

"Because I fucking miss you Franks"

We threw our heads back as the alcohol burned going down our throats.

I hissed at the familiar taste "You're not mad for-"

"Honestly Franks, I tried to mad at you, but I just couldn't. And when I heard your band was coming to LA, I just had to come see."

I smiled "I missed you too, Cal"

Suddenly I felt a large man knock me out my seat as he tried to get into his, hurling me towards Calum. Our noses touched, I watched as his eyes began to scan my face.

I don't know whether it was the alcohol or the crappy mood I was in, but I didn't hesitate to attach my lips onto his. And to my surprise Calum kissed back exerting more force.

The next thing I knew we were stumbling into his hotel room, our lips still attached together as we struggled to remove our clothing. His hands began exploring my body tenderly, sending chills up my spine. My fingers entangled into his hair as he led me to towards the bed. He slipped under the covers, not once breaking the connection of our lips. We finally stopped for a split second to breathe in some air. Our eyes met and smiles began to form until he pressed his plump lips back onto mine.

He unclasped my bra, his fingers lingered down to my hem of my underwear. God, I'm so fucking glad I wore my lace ones and not the ones with happy faces on it. My hands quickly unhooked from his hair, down his spine, towards his briefs.

Within seconds we were both naked under the sheets. He left my lips, bringing the kisses down to my neck. My eyes fluttered as his lips began to go move down from there.

I really hope we won't regret this tomorrow.

typical love story // mgcWhere stories live. Discover now