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I have so many stories up that wattpad stopped giving me notifications from all the ones I am not publishing rn 🤡 pls this is so cool I crashed it.


On a quick note I wanted to address the situation that the engenes are going through, as a baby engene, that has nothing much to say but this: no matter who you are, you are valid. To my black readers, I love you. You're fucking perfect, and I am so so so sorry that you have to go through this. No one deserves to hear those words o king from people who should also be in your side as a fandom and a family. I stand with you and will do anything I can to let your voices be heard.

I love each and everyone of you.

I don't know how to do this transition onto the story right now.

Alexa play Pacemaker by Straykids.

I hope you enjoy today's chapter. <8


"I can't stand him.", Felix hit his head on the table. "Like? He is so hot and for what?"

"Felix you sound like you have a crush on that dimwit."

"I don't, but he's hot. And a horny as fuck. He just met me and-"

"You've known each other for years."

"He just got... I don't know, any communication with me, and he's already trying to make me go crazy."

Jisung snorted, seeing the said boy enter the caffeteria with his friends.

"He just wants you in his bed,  him and his friends are so fucking... delusional.", Felix turned slightly to see the group sit on a table close to them, laughing loudly and knowing all eyes were on them. "The other day I heard Minho say I had a crush on him, in class."

"Are you serious?"

Jisung nodded, biting his apple.

"He said I'm a soft boy who can't hide it well."

Felix rolled his eyes.

"They really live in a whole different dimension. Maybe Minho has a crush on you instead."

Jisung chuckled.

"I wouldn't blame him."

"Please, you're almost worse than them.", Felix hit him playfully, not noticing the way that had caught the group's atention.

Jisung dodged and slapped his hand away, pouting cutely at his friend.

"Anyways, are we going today?"

The older of the two shrugged.

"You have no choice, I might not go, I need to study."

Felix pointed at him with his eyes narrowed.

"You need to show everyone your new outfit, that's what you need to do."

The squirrel like guy looked down in himself, confused at first, staring at his hoodie and looking back at his friend, before face palming.

"You're fucking right, now I NEED to go."

Felix laughed at the whining guy and looked around, trying to see if Seungmin had left his class yet, but Changbin got in his vision field first.

The shorter smirked at him and winked, gaining a slight eye roll, for which Felix slapped himself mentally,  after.

Changbin was taken aback for a bit, even though it was such a simple action, Felix was the kind of boy to never ever be anything but happy and nice all the time.

A bad day, maybe.

Felix cursed and turned back to Jisung, grabbing his drink and wishing those months would go by faster for his mom to come back.


Changbin shoved half of his drink down, wandering why he had gone to that party. The music had been the same boring beat for hours and Hyunjin was almost sleeping by his side. Minho had been dancing with some girl and had disappeared minutes before, probably to the bedrooms upstairs.

"This is so boring. I cold be flirting with Felix right now."

"No, you couldn't.", Hyunjin let out with a chuckle.

"Why?", Changbin whined. "He must be at doing his homework right now or something like that.

Hyunjin chuckled, seeing Minho run to them.

"Please let's get the fuck out of here."

"I thought you were busy down there.", the taller pointed at his bottom, but the older of them pushed them out of the sofa.

"I mean it, please, she's crazy, let's run away."

The boys followed him through the crowd of people, ending up laughing at his panicked ass in the grass outside. Minho sat next to them, realizing Changbin wouldn't be able to get up anytime soon without help.

"I thought you liked pussy."

"I do, but I don't like her. She's fucking crazy I'm telling you. She wanted to fuck on the goddam hallway.", he made a disgusted face.

"You have a getting caught kink."

The older glared at Hyunjin.

"You just made that up."

"I did.", the guys laughed. "But you probably have it."

Minho rolled his eyes and let himself fall by Changbin's side, laying and staring at the stars as the shorter of them groaned.

"I want to do something fun."

Hyunjin hummed, grinning and getting on his elbows.

"What if I tell you I have the perfect thing?"

"We are not making out again, Hyunjin."

The taller rolled his eyes and hit his forehead.

"Not that."


"Shut up, Minho. I meant I have the perfect place and activity for us to do, for us to wake the fuck yo and enjoy our night."

"Keep talking.", Changbin sat up and Minho tilted his head.

"I need you to fully trust me.", Hyunjin smirked. "Do you?"

"I'm so going to regret this. I do."

"Me too."

Hyunjin smiled widely, grabbing his phone and calling someone.

"We're married then, I do too.", he escaped Changbin's slap and laughed at Minho's face. "Hi? Can you come get us? Me and my friends.", he waited for a while, his eyes shining under the moon. "Three of us, yes. For tonight's event. I know it started already, don't worry, Chan won't be mad about you leaving for a while, he's not even doing anything today." Silence. "Okay? Yass, I love you, Innie, we'll be waiting.", he hung up and clapped once, looking at his friends. "Get ready for the night of your life!"



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