
I followed the group, Glenn holding my hand tightly. We ran up a set of stairs in darkness, only a few carried flashlights. As we ran into the lobby, T-Dog couldn't open the doors. Everyone tried, but I knew we was gonna die anyway, "Does it work?" Glenn ask, beating on a door. I pulled my machete from its place on my back and hit the door, but nothing happened. Not even a scratch. Shane and Daryl were both hitting the doors with axes, but it just bounced off like my machete, "Damn it!" I heard Daryl. T-Dog yelled at Daryl to move, and ran up with a metal chair. Still, no break or crack happened, "Y'all; get down, get down!" Shane yelled, cocking the shotgun. He shot the window, but we had to realize the glass was bullet proof, "The glass won't break?" Sophia called from the floor. I walked over to her and put my arm around her, "We'll get out, kiddo." I said to her, trying to calm her down. Carol walked to the window, "I have something that might help," Carol said, digging in her bag, "Carol, I don't think a nail file's gonna do it." Shane said. She let this remark roll off her back and walked up to Rick, handing him a grenade, "Your first morning at camp, when I washed your uniform. I found this in your pocket." I smiled a bit, releasing Sophia to her mother, "GET DOWN!" Shane yelled. I ran between Daryl and Glenn, who both put their arms over me protectively. Rick pulled the pin and released it. He started running back but the grenade went off before he could take cover. The glass shattered cleanly. We all got up and ran. We all filed out of the building one by one, "GO!" I shouted, motioning everyone out before I went. I climbed through the window. The blast had attracted walkers, and they were coming for us. I pulled out my machete and ran to the front line, slicing walkers. We made it to the cars and Glenn and I ran to the truck, slamming the door shut. We watched the building carefully. As Glenn started the truck up, Andrea and Dale climbed out of the window and started running toward the RV, "GET DOWN!" I yelled at them, and watched as they ducked behind some sandbags just in time. I felt the heat from the blast as I watched the building go down. Rubble and glass spewed from it, and I felt grateful I was still alive. We straightened up from our places and let the RV get in front of us before we took off. I let a few tears roll off my cheek as Glenn and I rod in silence behind the RV. As I glanced back, I seen the black smoke and fire from the CDC, causing more tears. Glenn glanced over at me and took one hand off the wheel and laid it on mine, rubbing his thumb over my hand.

// Two days later //

We left the truck and van behind to save gas, so I agreed (with a talk from Daryl) to drive Merle's old motorcycle. With his leather jacket on, I drove, leading the pack. Daryl was in the RV after I begged him to let me drive it alone. After a while on the road, and sweat dripping down my forehead, I ran into a problem. Cars! Piled on the road. I circled back around to Dale, "See a way through?" he had to shout over my motor. I looked over my shoulder and nodded to him. I went around the RV and picked my way through the cars carefully. As I drove, I heard the RV break down behind me. I shut my engine off and ran over to it, popping the hood, "I said it! Didn't I say it a thousand times; dead in the water." Dale said as I looked at the duck taped hose, "Problem, Dale?" Shane said, circling around me. I moved, not comfortable with him being so close, "Well, just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of-" he stopped his sentence as Daryl looked in the back of a car, savaging through the stuff, "Okay, that was dumb." I laughed at this, "There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find." Daryl said, looking at the contents of the car, "Siphon more fuel from these cars for a start." T-Dog said, "Maybe some water? Food?" I suggested, shrugging my shoulders, "This is a graveyard." Lori said, looking sad and confused. It was quiet for a moment, "Well, it's our only choice of survival." I said, getting agitated at the fact that Lori was being so 'picky', "C'mon, y'all." Shane said. We broke up into small groups, scavenging for supplies. Glenn jogged up to me, "Honestly, you look hot on that motorcycle." he said, smiling, "Well thank you." I laughed, pulling my machete from my back just in case we ran into walkers. Glenn stopped me, looking behind me. I looked, too, curious as to what he was looking at. The RV looked far away, but I didn't see anything. When I turned to face Glenn to ask what he saw, he pushed me up against a car, kissing me. His hands on my hips, he kissed me again forcefully, "Damn, Glenn." I said, letting him pull me back up off the car hood, "Sorry, I had to do that." he said, wiping his mouth with his hand.

We walking back to the RV, laying thestuff inside. Dale put Glenn to work on the RV as I headed back out. As I seen Shane and Glenn playing in the water they found, I looked behind me to see Rick pointing his rifle, looking in the scope. He mumbled something and turned around. He hunched behind a car, "Get down!" he whispered to me. I ran over to Shane and Glenn, "Get under a car! Now!" I yelled. I snuck around to the kids with Carol and Lori, "Under a car! Go!" I whispered at them, seeing Rick run over to us. I got inside the bed of a truck, laying down flat. The truck was a good few feet off the ground, so I knew I couldn't be seen. Sophia was under the trunk I was in, I knew. However, I didn't know about anyone else. I barely breathed. All I could think about was Daryl and Glenn. I hope they're okay. It felt like hours as we waited out the walkers. It went quiet, and I couldn't hear any moans from the walkers. As I glanced over the side, I seen Sophia crawling out. Two walkers came around the side and went after her. My instinct kicked in and I jumped out of the bed of the truck and ran up to Carol, "I'll go!" I yelled, not even bothering to ask for permission or wait for someone to offer to go. I ran down the bank after Sophia, hearing her mothers cries behind me.

// Glenn //

Lori held Carol as she cried, "What happened?!" I ask, looking around for Jade, "Where's Jade?" I ask, hope in my voice. No one answered, "Where is Jade?!" I demanded, "S-She went after Sophia. Two walkers are chasing her." Lori explained. I looked over the embankment and started to go after her, but Shane caught my arm, "It's Jade. She'll be okay." he said. I jerked my arm out of his grasp, looking at him as if I could kill him, but I still stayed put.

// Jade //

I saw Sophia's blue, rainbow shirt through the trees. I ran around some bushed and intersected her path. She stumbled, falling to the ground. When she got up to run again, I caught her. She screamed, but stopped when she saw It was me, "Are you okay?" I ask her. She didn't respond, but she reached for my gun on my leg, "Shoot them!" she was yelling, "No, sweetie. The walkers on the highway might hear it." I said, grabbing her by the shoulders. She whimpered when she heard the walkers coming, so I grabbed her in my arms. I ran as far as I could, but had to stop at the stream. I held her on my hip as I put her down in what looked like an old beaver dam, "Hide in there. Squeeze in tight." I said to her, "No, no! Don't leave me." she cried, "Listen to me. They don't get tired, I do. And I'm gonna deal with them one at a time. I gotta be able to protect you, " I said, a rise in my voice, "This is how we both survive. Understand?" I put my hand beside her head. She nodded at me, "Okay," I whispered, "Go." I motioned her inside, "Run back to the highway, back to the others. Keep the sun on your left shoulder." I said, looking up, I saw the walkers coming, "C'MON!" I yelled, splashing water at them, "C'mon you son of a bitch!" I said to myself. The black one came down and I back up, "C'MON!" I yelled once more, leading them into a different direction. I had ran ahead of the walkers a bit, getting in front of them. I hid and waited, my machete ready. I sliced one, quickly jerking my blade out of its skull. The next one came, and it went down as well. Blood splashed onto me, covering my face. I took off the leather jacket, carrying it on my arm as I ran. Sweat dripped off of me when I saw the highway come into view. It was nearing dark as I finally got back there. The blood stains had dried on my face. When I got up top, my smile faded when I saw Carol crying. It hit me like a freight train;

Sophia wasn't here.

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