Chapter 3

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The school day finally ended.

Yoongi happily exits out of school, having his notebook up to his chest with a smile across his face. Once he walked down the stairs of the school, he noticed that Namjoon wasn't at his motorbike yet, or even outside of the school.

His smile couldn't help to disappear, lowering the notebook from his chest and now waiting for the tall male to show up. If he doesn't show up, he has to ride the bus home...and he hates the bus completely. The worst people ride the bus. Then bully him like nothing. Or...he could just walk home.

A sudden small tap on the shoulder.

Yoongi jumps a bit and quickly turns his head to that side, then looks to the left.

Namjoon softly smiles. "Hi."

Yoongi's smile curls back up, turning around and lifting his notebook back up to his chest. "Hey."

"Are you ready to go?" Namjoon starts to take off his backpack, unzipping it to take out his jacket and gloves.

"I um...I have to go to my house first to see if my Umma's okay with it."

"How come you didn't text her during your free time?" He slips on his leather jacket, zipping his backpack and swung it back on himself.

"I uh...I don't have a phone." Yoongi nervously says, lowering his head a bit.

"Oh, that's fine. No worries. I can drive you there if you like, then to my house so we can get a blanket and such." Namjoon shoves his hands in his pockets, taking out his keys in one of the pockets.

"Are you sure?" Yoongi looks up at him with brows curled. "What if she says no?"

"I'm sure she'll allow you." Namjoon smiles, walking forward to his motorbike. "C'mon, you can wear my helmet."

Yoongi softly smiles, walking with him.

When Namjoon got to his motorbike, he took his helmet off from the handle, placing it on the seat first to have his backpack connected in the front of the motorbike tightly. Yoongi walked up to him, opening up his satchel to put his notebook and pencil in it, nervous to be on a motorbike.

"Have you ever been on a motorbike?" Namjoon asks, picking up the helmet from the seat and walked up to the small male.

"No." He confesses.

Namjoon carefully lifts the helmet up to the smaller's head and carefully slipping it on him. "It's only scarier to the driver. I have to balance the motorbike myself while I'm driving." He comments.

Yoongi fluttered his eyes and placed his hands on the helmet once he felt it on his head. Namjoon carefully putting it fully on him, looking at the tall male with sparkly eyes while he does so.

Namjoon clicks the helmet strap together, moving away with a soft smile. "You can hold tight on me as tight as you want if you're scared, okay?"

Yoongi nods. "Okay."

"You can put your satchel between us, but keep it on you so it won't fly off."

Yoongi nods again in understanding, holding the strap of the satchel as he watched the tall male get on his motorbike first, putting the key in his ignition and starting it up, putting on some sunglasses he had and kicking the stand up. Yoongi nervously walked up to the motorbike, getting a soft hold on the male's shoulder as he climbs on the motorbike.

Namjoon had a small smile on his face while Yoongi puts the satchel between them, nervously getting closer to the male. Namjoon slips on his leather gloves so that the handles don't hurt the palm of his hands. Yoongi nervously puts his arms around the tall male's waist, softly exhaling.

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