Secret Meet and Greats

Start from the beginning

"Hello," Charles smiles while shaking somebody's hand. The room has quite a few people in it, but they're all sitting at the table. There's a few bean bags on the floor so I run over and jump onto one of them.

Angela shoots me a glare and I just give her an innocent look.

"How are you so good at not acting devious?" Shawn asks while sitting besides me on a different bean bag. "You, Matt, and Nash are about tied for being devious and evil, but you all always act so innocent after. How?"

"I don't know," I shrug. "It takes lots of practice."

"I guess," he laughs. "I could never be that good."

"But you're Shawn!" I giggle. "You're already cute and innocent, you don't have to act like it. Plus you never do anything really bad."

"What are you talking about? I'm a bad boy," he smirks and I start to die with laughter. "Why are you laughing? I'm just saying the truth."

"Sorry," I apologize. "I didn't mean to ruin your bad boy reputation"

"Fine," he sniffs while turning around so he's not facing me.

"Shaaaawn," I groan. "I was kidding!"

"Okay you're forgiven," he grins.

"So, what happened to kids our age being here?" I ask while looking around.

"I don't know," he frowns. "Maybe they-"

"Sorry we're late!" a man interrupts while running through a door. "Traffic was horrible."

Following behind him are no other than Troye Sivan and Tyde Levi. (A/N: they're brothers if you didn't know lol I just don't want anyone to be lost)

"TROYE!" I scream while running over to him and giving him a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Hey guys," he laughs. "It's been awhile."

Charles coughs loudly and then looks at us. "We're trying to work here."

I roll my eyes and then go and sit back down on the bean bags. Troye, Tyde, and Shawn follow.

"So what's new?" Shawn asks.

"Nothing really," Tyde shrugs.

"HE WAS TALKING TO ME!" Troye yells while shoving Tyde off of his beanbag. "I've been working on YouTube, music, and all that jazz. I've been pretty busy."

"Ohhh. We've been really busy on tour," I explain. "So what's new for you, Tyde?"

"Nothing really," Tyde shrugs. "I have been working on school and youtube, though."

"What about you guys?" Troye asks. "How's tour been?"

"It's been pretty good. It's awesome meeting everyone. But Charles and Angela are horrible," I roll my eyes. "They literally are so strict and treat us like children."

"Ohh," Tyde frowns. "That sucks."

"Yeah," Shawn agrees. "Wait-do you guys want to go and meet some fans now? There's a bunch of them by the gate. Charles doesn't want us to meet them because apparently it would be unfair because the VIPS paid more to meet us. But we can sneak out right now."

"SHAWN YOU'RE ACTUALLY BEING DEVIOUS!" I squeal while giving him a high five. "And I'm down for doing that."

"Same," Troye nods. "Let's go."

"Excuse me," I interrupt the meeting. "Is it okay if we look around?"

Angela thinks for a moment and then responds. "Sure, but don't be loud. If there are any complaints of you being loud, you'll be in extreme trouble."

The Offer That Changed My Life (A Shawn Mendes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now