"And what am I supposed to do until then? I'm gonna be bored as hell," she groaned, throwing her head back on the couch in defeat. 

"You could babysit my demons," she heard Adelaide from the other couch, her husband chuckling at her names for the children. Even though she may not have been serious, this would be a great experience for Zhara. She kind of liked kids, they could be funny as shit when they wanted to. 

"Actually?" she brought her head back up to face Adelaide, who was still cuddled up with her lover. 

"I mean, yeah. I could use the free time," she nudged Gio with her elbow, and Zhara knew what that little movement was meaning. She held back an overdramatic gag at their lovingness.

"Just wake me up whenever and I'll come by and watch them," Zhara shrugged, sorta excited to teach these boys all about punching people. Adelaide flashed her a grin and a nod before standing up with Gio. They were probably going to go to sleep, it was getting late anyway. 

"You? Babysitting?" Flynn asked as Zhara pushed herself off the couch. He followed her actions and waited as she folded up the blanket she was using. 

"Yeah, what's that look for?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips because of the stupid look on his face. 

"I just can't imagine you with kids...You'll probably teach them a bunch of shit they don't need to know," he shook his head with a smile, and she rolled her eyes at him playfully before following him into the hallway. 

"Exactly. So they can be just like me, who wouldn't want that?" she questioned with raised eyebrows, nudging him in the side. He looked down at her with wide eyes. 

"I wouldn't, I definitely wouldn't," he admitted, causing her to laugh and shake her head. 

"Oh, Flynn. Always the optimist, you," she poked him as they approached her room. He kissed her forehead before walking further into the hallway, leaving her alone by the door. She watched as he disappeared beyond the corridor, and again, it was like a piece of her soul was going away with him. She felt so empty inside, and she couldn't find anything to get rid of the feeling. 

She leaned her temple against her door, still standing in the quiet, dark hallway.

Her arms crossed above her chest, and she sighed through her nose. How much longer could she live like this? It was almost physically painful for her to be like this, and the weird thing was; it was no different than how she had felt after her mother died. 

She shook her head at herself and opened her bedroom door. Right when she closed the door behind her, she felt herself being slammed into the wall aggressively. She was so caught off guard by it, she had pulled out her gun in defense, only to feel hands around her neck, cutting off her air. Maybe it was fate answering her prayers. 

She opened her eyes, finally, and practically screamed when grey ones stared right back at her. Zion Armani's hands tightened around her neck, and she clawed at his wrist. She at least wanted to die painlessly. Her free hand clutched her gun, and she was contemplating throwing it across the room so she couldn't save herself out of instinct. 

Guess she was suicidal. 

His dark hair fell in between their foreheads, almost grazing her skin. His eyes stared at her with so much hatred, it almost offended her. The one thing that scared her, though, was the whiskey she smelled on him. He was drunk, which meant he had no self-control. Which also meant that he would probably strangle her right here. 

His jaw ticked when she touched his face, trying to get him to snap out of whatever loathe-stemmed trance he was in. He didn't like being touched. He pulled her off the wall, only to slam her right back into it. Her head pounded as she muffled a cry, her eyes starting to water due to the pressure building up in her brain. 

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