Chapter 17 - Apologizing

Start from the beginning

Oh... that's right.. I've been non stop studying Kokichi's emotions since yesterday.. I nervously opened up the drawer and put the papers in so I could continue them later.

I still didn't get the chance to apologize to him yesterday.. maybe I'll be able to do it this time. He does spend his time on the roof during lunch, so it'll be easiest to talk to him there.

I got up from my chair, still wearing the same clothes I was wearing yesterday. I grabbed something to eat and checked the time, realizing I was gonna be late for school.

When I approached my first class, I could see Kokichi in his chair. He was facing down and looking at a paper on his desk.

He was drawing, I could make out the shape of what looked to be a noose. Uncomfortable shivers ran down my spine as I walked to my assigned seat.

time skip

As the bell rung, I noticed Kokichi frantically trying to get out of the classroom before me. I hurried to catch up with him in the halls but lost track of him due to the stampede of other students.

I clenched my fist in anger, my eyes desperately scanning everywhere. I kept looking until everyone in the halls were gone and they had all gone to their next classes.

I was gonna leave and attend my next lesson, but then I heard a strained yelp, it almost sounded like a scream of pain. It didn't take me long to recognize who's voice it was and where they were. I ran to the nearby bathroom not too far from me.

I saw another student, way taller than Kokichi, looming over him. Based on the way his hand was in a fist and his knuckles were red, I inferred that he had just punched Kokichi, which had most likely caused his scream.

Despite me being scared to death of the attacker, I put all of my strength into my right arm and punched his stomach, causing him to stumble and fall backwards.

He yelled at me, obvious rage in his voice, "Hey! The fuck was that for you little bitch? You trying to get beat up too?" I quickly grabbed Kokichi's arm and dragged him out of the boy's bathroom.

Since Kokichi was much faster than me, it was easy for him to keep up even though he had no clue where I was taking him to, and to be honest I didn't know where I was taking him either. I was just trying to get him away from that terrible person.

I stopped running when I reached the stairwell, and decided to rest there for a while to catch my breath. I let go of Kokichi's arm.

When I looked at him, I saw his nose bleeding, most likely from being punched. The blood still liquidy and fresh.

his expression had all kinds of emotions mixed in it. I could see guilt, regret, confusion, and more. He turned to leave, but I called out to him.

"W-wait! Don't leave!" He turned to look at me over his shoulder. I took this as an opportunity to finally apologize.

His face was now covered with a new expression. It looked almost like what some people would call 'emotionless', but there was hints of curiousness in his eyes.

I sighed. "L-listen... I was a real asshole to you yesterday.. I know you probably won't accept my apology.. but I'm sorry..."

Kokichi stared at me as if he didn't hear what I said, but he responded with, "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have yelled. I was just frustrated."

I smiled at him. "Same." He grinned back at me, but it wasn't a sinister grin like the other ones.. it was a kind one. He had closed his eyes and brought his hands up and rested them behind his head, still keeping that same friendly grin on his face.

I was so glad we could understand eachother. I didn't want to make another mistake and mess up anything this time, I wanted to stay his friend. I wanted to get to understand him better.

"Hey, Kokichi?" He opened his eyes and kept his hands remaining behind his head, but his eyes were now glossed with concern.

"....." I kept my mouth shut for a while. should I really confess to him right now? I mean we just became friends again.. wouldn't that be a little awkward..? I asked in my mind.

Anxiety and worry took over my mind and I ended up not wanting to confess anymore. "Nevermind, sorry." I started walking to the door. "O-oh.. its okay Shumai!" as he said that, my heart fluttered.

"Thanks for accepting my apology by the way, im glad we can understand eachother." In response, Kokichi smiled and nodded. I turned and walked out of the stairwell. He deserves so much better.. so.. so much better than me..

Kokichi's POV

As Shuichi left me alone in the stairwell, I excitedly giggled like a happy child as if I were being tickled. I was so happy he apologized, I thought he was mad at me, turns out he's not. (Well, not anymore).

But my cheerful giggling faded away as my mind trailed to what Shuichi was gonna tell me before he left. All kinds of terrible scenarios sprouted in my mind as tears formed in my eyes.

In this state, I just let my teardrops fall this time. I looked over at the stairs that led upwards and began walking on them, not caring about how long it might take to get to the rooftop.

I wasn't going to jump though, I always went to the rooftop when I was sad to calm myself down. I don't know why, but I just found comfort in it.

....Probably due to the fact that I was most likely going to end up jumping off of it on my birthday.

1622 words. Also I'm very sorry if I repeat some words to describe things, sometimes I can't find any good synonyms and I just end up using the same words I already know. I'll also try to get the next chapter out by (maybe) next week.

"You're Alone Kokichi, And You Always Will Be" // A Saiouma Angst StoryWhere stories live. Discover now