23 || Rumor has it

Start from the beginning

Draco is still nowhere to be found by dinner. "I can't believe we were friends with a faggot." Crabbe says with a disgusted look on his face while chewing with open mouth on a chicken leg. "He was always weirdly obsessed with Potter. I guess now we know why." Goyle responds, laughing.

"Homophobia is not making you guys look any better." I interfere, looking at their ugly faces.

"Faggots are gross. Deal with it." Crabbe reacts to my comment while some spit comes out of his mouth, landing on the big wooden table.

"I'm bi. What do you think about that?" I challenge him, knowing he's one of those sick males who sexualizes women and their sexuality. He puffs before his eyes scan me up and down and a smirk appears on his face. He licks his lips and puts down his chicken leg before leaning on the table, towards me. "I'd say you and Pansy are welcome to join me in my bed anytime... if you know what I mean." He tries to sound seductive but fails miserably. It would almost be funny if it wasn't so deeply insulting.

"I'd rather die, you fugly cow!" I snarl before spitting in his face.

"Fucking bitch!" He yells as he punches me in the face. With that, I jump up from my seat and draw my wand, pointing it at him threateningly. He does the same in defense. "Mimblewimble." I say while flicking my wand. Crabbe's face goes bright red as he tries to hex me but he's not able to speak coherently anymore. I smirk, my eyes twinkling with malice as I point my wand at him again, ready to seriously injure this bitch. Before I'm able to cause him real damage, my wand flies out of my hand as Dumbledore interferes.

"Explain yourselves." He snarls at me before undoing the tongue tying curse. Severus is now standing behind him, taking the situation in without showing any emotion on his face.

"She just attacked me!" Crabbe says innocently.

"He's a homophobe and a filthy pervert!" I counter.

"Fifty points from Slytherin." He states. "Take this as a warning." With a last nasty glare he makes his way back to the teacher's table. The whole Slytherin table starts cursing and gets visibly angry towards Dumbledore and us. I roll my eyes before grabbing my wand and sitting back down next to Pansy. Crabbe continues eating in silence while all eyes are on me.

The atmosphere is awkward, hostile and out of balance. Our friend group is a mess. Pansy's got her revenge.

I decide that I've had enough drama for this day and just start eating to finish my dinner quickly. It is now that I can feel my cheek throbbing from Crabbe's punch.

"How about a party in our dorm tonight?" Pansy suggests, taking this as a chance to get her position as leader back. The responses aren't very excited, but everyone still agrees to go. "Sure. I'll be there right after detention." I say supportingly.

Pansy squeals in excitement and starts making conversation with the group. A few minutes later, it is as if nothing happened and everyone's in a good mood again. This girl has unheard of abilities. Even Daphne is laughing and seemingly happy. Pansy is glowing, her eyes are twinkling and she's smiling from ear to ear. I don't feel the need to participate in any way and simply eat in silence. I hope my time with Sev gives me an energy boost because I will certainly need that for this damned party.

When dinner's over, I walk towards the potions classroom and enter after knocking. Severus looks up from his work and sighs when he sees me, a small smile growing on his face. "Please bend me over your desk and fuck me!" I exclaim as I start unbuttoning my blouse.

His eyebrows then furrow when his eyes inspect my face as I get closer to him. "You don't want me over your desk? Fine, I'll ride you. I'm happy as long as your cock is inside of me." I speak cheekily as I'm extremely horny. I throw my blouse to the side and climb on his chair to straddle his lap. I lean in to start kissing his neck but he stops me by placing his hands on my shoulder and gently pushing me back.

Teacher's pet (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now