Ch 25. Vampire Disneyland

Start from the beginning

Sympathy warred with her frustration as Caroline took a small step closer, her arms falling to her sides. "I get it, Damon," she said, more gently now. "We all have our demons. But killing innocent people isn't the way to deal with it. You have to find another way, one that doesn't hurt others."

Those glacial blue eyes locked unwaveringly on hers and for a long, electrically charged moment the world seemed to still around them. A tiny muscle ticked in his chiseled jaw as whatever was raging inside him played out across his striking features.

"It's not that simple," he growled at last, the words ragged around the edges.

Caroline held his burning stare. "No, it's not. But you have to try."

In a blur too fast for human eyes, Damon was suddenly directly in front of her, his powerful body thrumming with menace as he invaded her personal space. His chiseled face was mere inches from her own, pale eyes glittering like shards of arctic ice.

"You think you can understand me, Caroline?" His whisper sliced through the heavy air, raising goosebumps along her arms. "You think you can save this tired soul?"

His nearness and the almost palpable force of his anger should have terrified her. But this was Damon - volatile and dangerous, yes, but underneath it all he was still her comrade.

Squaring her shoulders, Caroline met that turbulent gaze without flinching. "Maybe I do understand more than you think," she countered, her voice low but steady with conviction. "I've seen enough of your tactics to know they're just a front."

For an endless moment, Damon searched her clear eyes, sensing the fearless steel beneath her deceptively delicate surface. Then, just as abruptly as he had appeared, he leaned back, the malice draining from his expression like a receding wave.

"You're playing with fire, Blondie," he murmured, a hint of something like admiration tempering the warning in his tone.

One side of Caroline's mouth quirked upward, her dimples winking. "Maybe I am. But maybe you need someone to keep you from burning everything down in the process."

The ghost of a reluctant smile tugged at the hard line of Damon's lips as their charged stalemate shivered and dissipated like a morning fog burning away. For now.


The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows through the grand, arched windows of the empty studio in Mystic Falls. Carol Lockwood, elegant in her demeanor, guided a young couple through the arched double doors. Her heels clicked with a certain authority on the pristine wooden floors, which had once hosted the graceful footwork of dancers in their most exquisite attire.

She was an imposing figure in the town (or at least that's what she likes to think), the Mayor's wife, but today, she was also the realtor, showing them around a piece of town history that had been left to gather dust. The grand chandeliers, now mere skeletons of their former glory, still clung to the ceiling, bearing witness to countless twirls and laughter from the past.

This place had once been the heart of Mystic Falls, the very soul of their social gatherings. The ballroom where enchanting waltzes and lively gatherings had filled the space with laughter and life. However, over the years, it had been abandoned and left to the whims of time.

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