Ch 3. Compelling Secret

Start from the beginning

Refocusing, she pointed out, "As I was saying, there have been way too many 'animal attacks' these past few weeks out of nowhere. That was you, wasn't it?"

A proud smirk tugged at Damon's lips as he confirmed, "Yes."

Caroline's stomach turned, disturbed by his blatant lack of remorse over his victims. What a stupid thing to be proud of - it was like human lives meant nothing to him. She'd have to tread very carefully.

Realization struck her then and she gasped, "Oh my god, you were the one who almost killed Vicki!" Poor Matt, after his mom leaving and the Elena breakup drama, his sister was all he had left.

Damon's expression remained impassive as Caroline quickly apologized for her rant. "Sorry, I have a bad habit of rambling when I'm anxious."

She trailed off, disappointed he didn't seem to know or care about the lives he'd impacted. Squaring her shoulders, she redirected, "Okay, so do we have a deal or not Mr...?" 

Caroline's eyes widened comically as she realized, "Wait, what's your name? Oh my god, I don't even know your name and I slept with you!"

The absurdity of her words caught up to her and Caroline's hands flew to cover her mortified expression. Of course people thought she was an idiot when she did dumb things like this.

Damon threw his head back with a laugh at her antics. "Salvatore. Damon Salvatore," he finally responded, thoroughly amused by the girl's lack of filter.

Caroline frowned at his amusement over her misery. As if she needed any more reasons to be flustered around this arrogant, ridiculously handsome creature. Did he just pull a James Bond on me? And where the hell have I heard that name before?', Caroline thought trying her best to recollect.  

"Can't really say it's nice to meet you, 'cause then I'd be lying," she couldn't help but mutter.

His laughter redoubled and Caroline crossed her arms, rolling her eyes. This partnership was going to be the biggest regret of her life, she could already tell.

'SALVATORE! Isn't Stefan.........? Stefan has a brother? Wait does that mean Stefan is also a ........', thought Caroline finally recalling the connection. Ultimately, she gathered the courage and asked the man in front of her, "Wait Salvatore as in Stefan......???"

"Ah, I see you have met my younger brother", acknowledged Damon (Though he already knew that)

"I keep forgetting that he likes to pretend to be a human and go to high school. What was this the millionth time as a high schooler?", added Damon with distaste at his little brother's way of living.

"Who would even in their sane mind want to repeat high school all over again?", implored Caroline completely questioning what the hell is wrong with him. "He must be a psychopath just like you", she concluded bluntly.

That made Damon snicker. She sure was funny but he couldn't help but agree. Even he would occasionally wonder what was wrong with his brother.

"Oh no, he's definitely not like me, otherwise why would he still, like you said, be on that Edwardo animal diet", Damon responded remembering what she said merely a few minutes ago.

"EDWARD", rectified Caroline.

Realising that there was no use correcting him, she mumbled "Why do I even bother".

"So we have a deal or not Mr Salvatore", let out Caroline recalling the situation she was in and the issue at hand.

"Why so much respect blondie wasn't I a stupid, impulsive jackass just a few minutes ago?", asked Damon teasingly.

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