“About what?”

“I heard you telling Ron where you put the book.”


“Do you think you should be telling him, considering that he’s already been ‘got at’ once?”

Harry stared at Malfoy. “You think he might...”

Malfoy rolled his eyes. “He still isn’t shielded. Who knows what might happen?”

Harry huffed out his breath and sat back in his chair. “Don’t be thick, Malfoy. Hexam knows we know he’s onto something by now. He’s going to be more careful; not even an idiot would try the same thing a second time. The only problem we have now is working out what he’ll try next.”

“I still think you should move the book.”

“All right, All right. I’ll move the damn book. Want to come with me?”

“Where?” Malfoy looked startled.

“To Grimmauld Place, of course.”

“Okay. I’ll get my cloak.” Malfoy got up and went up to the dorm.

As Harry stood, put on his cloak and cleared up his books, he heard someone call his name. He looked up to see Neville standing by the portrait. “McGonagall wants to see you,” he said.

“What? Now? What for?”

“She didn’t say.”

Harry sighed. “I’ll be there in a minute.” He went up to the dorm. Malfoy was just putting on his cloak. “I can’t go now. McGonagall wants to see me. Maybe we can go tomorrow instead?”

Malfoy looked disappointed for a nanosecond. “Okay. I’ve got loads of homework anyway.”

“Just stay downstairs and do it –and don’t go off with anyone, especially Hexam,” Harry warned, before setting off to the Headmistresses office.


The Headmistress offered Harry a cup of tea as he sat down in the chair in front of her desk. He shook his head, curiosity making his nose itch. He didn’t think he was in trouble and he had been wracking his brains to try and work out what she might want before he had arrived – just in case he needed to get a story worked out.

But she arranged her hands carefully on the desk and regarded him from twinkling eyes.

“I’m told your marks have improved markedly in potions.”

“Oh.” Harry shrugged. “I suppose so. Malfoy’s been helping me.”

“Good. And have you been helping him with his Defence Against the Dark Arts?”

“Well... we... er... he can produce a Patronus now,” Harry replied. “But we’ve not had any time recently, what with... well.. stuff.”

“Good. Please keep on with those lessons if you can. Now... you told me, at the beginning of term that you would like to teach. Is that still your wish?”

Harry nodded.

“I’ve spoken to several pupils who were in your Dumbledore’s Army in fifth year and they’ve all told me what an excellent teacher you were. As Professor Hexam will be leaving at the end of this year to continue with his work overseas, I am already thinking about a replacement. How would you like to be that replacement – that’s if you pass your N.E.W.T.’s.”

Harry stared at Professor McGonagall, his mouth dropping open. “Seriously?”

“Yes, Mr. Potter. I get extremely irritated with trying to find a new Dark Arts teacher every year, so I’m hoping that if anyone would be able to stay for longer, it would be you.”

Harry nodded again, wishing he could find something more eloquent to say. He didn’t want to make a bad impression and make her change her mind.

“That’s settled then. With the proviso that you pass your exams, you will start as Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts in September next year. I suggest you use the time in between to study even further than you have before.”

“I will, Professor. Thank you.” Harry stood up. “Um...” he started.

“Yes, Mr. Potter?” McGonagall smiled at him.

“You said that Mal... Draco wanted to teach as well.”

“Yes, and I need to speak to him about that. Professor Slughorn will also be leaving too, although not until the year after. Could you ask Mr. Malfoy to join me when you return to your common room.”

“Of course.” Harry grinned at her. Things seemed to be going right for him for once. His brain was trying to take over already, thinking about the things he could teach, things he would have to study. He hardly heard the Headmistress as she apologised to him for interrupting his weekend plans.


Malfoy looked up from his book as Harry almost skipped into the common room. Without a word, Harry went over to Malfoy, grabbed him by his hands, pulled him to his feet, then landed a huge smacking kiss on his lips.

“What? Fuck! Get off!” Malfoy protested, pushing him away, but, when Harry let him go, the Slytherin’s cheeks were bright pink. “What he hell is wrong with you, Potter?” he demanded, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

“McGonagall wants to see you. It’s good news!” Harry said mysteriously.

“Good news? What good news? What are you babbling about?”

“Just go and see her.” Harry sprawled into the nearby armchair, a huge grin on his face.

Malfoy straightened his sweater and the long fringe that had fallen into his eyes. “You’re barking!”

“I’m not. See you in a bit.” Harry waved him away and pulled Malfoy’s half-finished potions essay over to read. Malfoy paused, obviously not trusting him, but then. with a huff of exasperation, left the room.

Harry concentrated on the essay, knowing that he could get one or two pointers from it for his own. It wasn’t long before Malfoy came back into the common room. Harry looked up as his shadow fell over him, and was surprised to see a pleased smile on Malfoy’s face – the expression was rare enough for Harry to want to cherish it, take a photo, keep giving Malfoy good news so that that smile would stay. But all he did was smile back. “Well?”

“I’m to start working as teacher’s assistant next year, with a view to starting as Professor of potions when old Slugface leaves.”

“That’s great. Congratulations. You’ll be joining me as I’ll be teaching DADA.” Harry stood up and held out his hand. Malfoy looked down at the proffered hand for a moment, then took it and shook it once.

“I think this calls for a celebration,” Harry said. “Shall we go out for a drink?”

Malfoy pursed his lips, considering, then nodded. “Why not?”

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