Her People

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Several months pass and Xena has become a permanent fixture in the Witwicky family. Judy's husband Ron found out what Xena was when she shifted to fly and pull Sam out of the way of a truck when he went to retrieve his soccer ball. They are all fine with Xena being an "angel" and from another planet. Sam looks up to Xena like she were his actual older sister and she takes him on night flights every once and a while. Xena found a job as a mechanic and as curator for a nearby art gallery. She made it her job to better educate Sam when he wasn't in school about the world and a little bit about her people. It made her laugh when she decided to teach Sam about her people, he was so excited about that that he ran into her room waking her up at 5 in the morning.

"My galaxy is called Veronnia-15. The solar system is called Shl'uet. The planets from outer to inner were Ragnarok, Upathiny, Redian, Sundara, Kusanagi, Koto, Diplo, Abadonn, Catraausa, Sagittarius, Bahar'l, Unëmavå, and Xeres. The home world was Abadonn. My people populated every planet except Xeres. Our solar system was binary, it had two suns that orbited each other. The planet Xeres is between the central sun and the secondary sun, making it uninhabitable. Both our suns were white suns, the hottest kind of star there is. Our government was set up in the caste system. It went Higher lord divine, the mother queen, the daughter queen (Princess), elite flyers, nobles, merchants, servants, peasants, the accused, and the Kon-Ko (street rat) or the dammed."

"Which caste were you. I bet you were the daughter queen or an elite flyer!"

"Thank you but no I was a Kon-Ko. The man who took me in when I was younger was and elite flyer but I remained a Kon-Ko."

"Why were you that caste?"

"I was born from the planet Xeres."

"I thought you said no one could live on it?"

"I did but I never said that the natives to the planes couldn't."

"Wow cool so your like another race to your entire species!"

"Yes. As I was saying the children of my people where the most sacred. They were born brimming with life and wondrous abilities and powers. The children were stronger than the adults by far. My people are older than your entire solar system. I am 19 million years old, older than your sun I believe. Ok now to the culture of my people. We had several religions but one main one and it followed 5 basic laws. 1.) all life is sacred. Life for life. 2.) any sort of violence is abolished and forbidden. 3.) the caste system cannot be broken. One can only decline on the caste never rise. 4.) any child born without powers shall be left to die in the streets and if they survive they shall always be a Kon-Ko. No one ever broke those laws, well... Except me. Any teaching of violence whether it be defense or offensive is forbidden. Heh I was taught by off world traders and several passing mercenaries. Oh and my bioarmor is illegal. Enough of that. My people look like me but our eye colors are black or yellow. Skin tones vary between sheet white and copper. Natural hair colors are neon green, neon pink, and neon blue. We have four genders male, female, none, and all. Weight is roughly 120lbs to 280lbs. Height can range between 6'1 to maybe 30ft tall. Some are born with the natural ability to grow smaller or larger but only several feet, that is not considered and ability but more like if someone were to b born with freckles. I can grow to about 23 feet and shrink to about 12 inches. I'm the exception to many of my peoples laws and standards both socially and physically. We had dancers, artists, musicians, builders, historians, singers, architects, and just normal average people. Now to start on a vague version of the fall of my people. The war it's self lasts two days and nine hours. The first nine hours massive battle ships swarmed the solar system and obliterates the first five outer planets. The inner planets were burned alive while the children of my people watched. In the last day they sent nova charges into both our suns. Several minutes before detonation I was jettisoned into space. I watched as they blew our suns up and I heard the children of my people cry out in pain while they were burned alive. Only dust and a small asteroid sized rock remain of our solar system and my people. I witnessed the entire battle from the front lines where they sent the Kon- Ko to be slaughtered. The man who took care of me pulled me out of the ruins of the city of Hols. My armor was the reason I survived and the fact that I can't die since I survived infancy on the streets." Xena leans over and ruffles Sam's hair while he tries to wrap his minds around that fact the Xena is the last of her kind.

"Don't think too hard about okay?"

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