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'Dracului wings, dracului Tobias and his stupid plans!'

On the horizon flys a large bird or what someone would think is a bird. As the bird gets closer you can see that it's not a bird but a girl in shining silver armor and soot covered wings. Watching the girl's flight pattern you can tell she has been injured due to the fact of her losing altitude. The girl reaches land and plummets with her left wing bent at an odd angle. She crashes into the forest knocking down several large trees.

'These must be Redwood trees. Ironic how something so old is knocked down by something even older that the planet it's self.'

The girl struggles to stand in the crater. Her long bright purple hair matted and covered in blood, once shining silver armor scratched and scuffed, and her majestic wings damaged and broken. The girl climbs out of the crater and stretches her wings out. She folds her injured wings into her back as she walks to the entrance to the forest and every step she takes she armor recedes into her skin revealing a black shirt and dark blue jeans. She walks into the parking lot and looks around at the people surrounding her, going on with their lives as she stands still in time.

Walking down a street she realizes that she is alone and that all her people have died out. She searches for a cemetery to mourn the loss of her people. She walks past many graves and sees no people around and let's her armor return and wings show in respect for the dead. To humans her kind are "angels" but really their another species from several galaxies away, peaceful people who have never fought in their lifetime or the lifetimes before theirs. That all changed when "They" arrived, slaughtering every living being in her system. She was 13 million years old which is equivalent to 13 human years old when the fall of her home world, the mother planet of her species. They started by burning and dropping equivalent to human nuclear bombs but seven times worst. Then came the foot soldiers, they cut down any left resistance and massacred thousands. The children were last to die. Her species children were stronger and more powerful than the adults due to being untrained in the art of controlling their abilities. There was one known child to be born without powers and her name is Xena. She is the last of her kind, jettisoned off her planet by her friend Tobias in a last ditch effort to save her life and keep her people alive. She was of the lowest caste a street rat, an orphan. It was Tobias who found her and took her in. He was one of the elite flyers of her people, the best of the best if you will. He allowed her to live and train as well as create her bio armor. He was cut down before her just as her pod was launched into space.

Xena sits at the stairs if an old mausoleum remembering the past events and the fall of her people when a young boy at the age of 5 runs past her crying. She gets up and runs after the boy catching up in a matter of seconds due to her agility.

"Hey sweetie what are you doing out here all alone?" She coos to the boy.

The boy turns and looks at her with a face red with tears.

"T-they were b-being mean t-to m-me." He stutters out while trying not to cry again.

"Well then something's wrong with their heads! My names Xena but you can call me X!" She tell the boy while smiling a bright smile.

"My names Sam."

"Nice ta meet ya Sam. Let's get you home okay."

Xena walks through the cemetery with Sam on her shoulders pretending to fly.

"So Sam do you live in California?"

"No my mom and dad and I are visiting."

"Oh really, do you like it so far?"

"Not really. The other kids at the park are mean and I don't know anybody here. But the awesome part was meeting you X! Your so cool!"

"Glad you feel that way."

Xena reaches the park and looks around for people of Sam's description. She spots a middle aged red head woman frantically searching the park with a panicked expression. Xena immediately knows that she is Sam's mom.

"Excuse me miss!"

"Mom!" Sam shouts.

"Oh my Sam! My baby boy!" His mother calls out with a relieved expression.

"Mommy I made a new friend today! Her name is X! She's really cool. Can she come home with us?"

"Sammy what did I tell you about talking to strangers?!"

"Not to. But mom she is really nice she told me that all the other kids are meanies and don't know what their talking about. She helped me find you!"

Xena smiles at the two as she starts to walk away.

"X please don't go! I want you to meet my mom!" Sam cries while running after Xena.

Sam grabs Xena's hand and drags her to his mom.

"Mom this is X."

"Hello ma'am." She says to Sam's mother.

"Oh thank you so much for finding him. I don't know what I would do if something happened to him."

"It was no problem. He kept me company while we looked for you. Oh and my name is Xena but you can call me X if you want."

"I'm Judy. How about you come home with us and stay for dinner."

"Oh there is no need. I was just doing my job."

"I insist."

"Well I could go for a home cooked dinner."

Xena follows Judy while holding a sleepy Sam to their car. They get in and start to drive to their home when it starts to rain. They hit a patch of water and hydroplane. Xena's instincts kick in and she armors up and snaps her wings open. She wretches the passenger side door open and flys to the back of the car and grabs on to the bumper and slamming her feet into the asphalt. The car stops spinning and Xena let's go and inspects the car for any other damage asides from where she dented the bumper when she graves on to it. Judy stumbles out the driver side and looks and Xena in awe.

"Your an angel!" Judy shouts, slack-jawed.

"Uhh you can say that."

"Are you Sam's guardian angel or something?"

"I can be if you want me to be."

Judy just smiles and pulls Xena into a hug.

"Thank you for saving my baby again."

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