I sighed and took another look at the file. 

I scanned through it until it said I was supposed to go to the gambling hall. Seriously? The gambling hall? How can these people gamble at times like these! UGH! 

I just shook my head and made my way to what looked like the gambling hall. Well actually someone did mention it before..

As I got closer and closer, I saw less and less people. I guess they stay away from here if they know what's best for them. I thought. 

As I got closer, I saw someone leave the building with nothing. I could tell he lost everything. WHY ARE THEY STILL GAMBLING IF THEY HAVE NOTHING!? I suddenly stopped.

So that's it, I thought. They're probably gambling to try and get something back. 

"He..he took him." whispered someone next to me. 

I looked to my left to find a man talking to his wife. Well that's what it looks like.

"N..no... NO!" She screamed at him. "HOW COULD YOU BET OUR SON IN A STUPID GAMBLING GAME!!"

"I'm sorry! I had it all!! I had the best hand but... but his was better..."

I watched as the mother feel to the ground crying. 

"M-my son... MY SON!! NOOO!!" she cried as she burst into tears.

I just stared at them, Horror all over my face. "How.. HOW COULD YOU BET YOUR OWN CHILD!" I screamed and the man turned to me. His face filled with sorrow and anger.

Wait a second. I thought. How can he hear or see me? I'm... oh shit. Without realising, I had realised my gen jitsu and everyone could see me. And now, cause I'm an idiot, I was back in my normal ninja gear. 

"W-who are y-you?" he asked.

Oh shit I need to think of something quick. Ugh ugh.... GOT IT! 

I smirked. 

"Names Kasumi, I've come to challenge your top gambler." I said. Oh please may they buy it!!

"Your a child yourself!! Leave now! I just lost my son-"

"I'm not a shit gambler like you." I said the words like posion. I don't want them to know I've come to save them. Not just yet anyway. "Tell me where he is."

Suddenly the doors to the gambling house opened. 

All the people around me began running away, trying to hide themselves. I looked up, I take it this is my invitation in. I thought as I started going up the stairs. 

"No! Don't do it-"

"Shut up." I said coldly and carried on walking. 

Once I was inside, I scanned the area for traps. If this guy's as good a ninja as they say, them I've got a lot of work ahead of me. 

Inside was a long hall way and a man sitting at the end of the long white table. The walls were plain and there was basically nothing there. Just a man sitting at the end of the table with a huge as shit pile of money behind him and a deck of cards in front of him on the table.

"So what do we have here? A child for another man to bet? Hahahha!"

"Oh Please." I said as I got closer, I saw he had white hair and black eyes. "I'm here to challenge you." I said as I placed all my money on the table. 

His eyes widened for a split second, but then he returned to his normal face.

"I feel insulted. Being challenged by a child. Or no less, a demon child."

Kakashi's daughter, is in love with Kiba!? (naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now