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Unsatisfactory: Ultimate Caretaker Execution: Executed!
S/N was in a playroom full of extremely bratty kids. Except for one...the child version of their victim/s (V/N). It was hard to get each kid something they liked. Toy cars? Tiny planes? Paper and crafts? Plastic solders and warriors? A kids medical kit? Even a kiddie oven? S/N gave them everything they could want. And V/N wanted to hear a story. The story was of S/N's forgotten childhood. "The E-" A monochild jumped onto S/N's back, suprising them. The kid poked their toy syringe into     S/N's back, while V/N went to play at a drawing table. The Monochild injected the potion they received from another child into S/N. S/N seemed to quickly shrink until they were toy size. The Monochild grabbed S/N and threw them into a bucket of chemicals. Monochild grabbed a grabber arm and grabbed the small S/N out. They had been turned into a plastic toy, which Monochild broke by dropping it and stomping on it. Monokuma waltzed in and wrote on a sticky note "Unsatisfactory Performance". Monochild and Monokuma walked out the door.
Execution Complete!

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