XIV - the possibility of a lifebuoy

Start from the beginning

"I'm so sorry Emma, I have been giggly all day today, but this was really the lighter to the wood." She wiped her tears with her knuckles and moved her still wet eyes to the girl. "Emma, this sounds like you want to introduce us to your significant other or something!"

And without missing a bit, only putting some extra nonchalance in her voice Y/n added. "... and as a matter of fact I don't think there is any need to introduce a person we already know..."

Turning her hues to the person she had in mind, namely Norman, was a scrumptious idea in Y/n's opinion. But she resisted the urge, turning on her heel and facing away from the others. Still, her ears got hit by Ray's laugh nevertheless. 

"See Ray, this is the exact reason why you-" Norman snapped, but his words were soon rounded by Ray's.

"Mhm, yes, we all understand smart-boy. Keep your monologues to yourself will ya?"

Norman clearly saw this friendly chat as a war on two fronts because when he didn't succeed in bringing Ray down, he charged at Y/n with the army of his harsh comments. "As for you, Y/n-" He looked at the girl's back. "I would prefer you to keep quiet in some cases."

Y/n smiled clearly amused and not to the slightest baffled by the sharp riposte. It really flew through one ear, and out from the other not leaving any trace of acknowledgment in her mind. Though, what really did create a reaction from her was the act of someone intertwining her left arm with the person's own. From the corner of her eye, she saw Emma's poofy locks that bounced with each and every step she took when she began dragging along Y/n aiming for the exit of the forest.

"You know Y/n, I don't really know what was going on, but I'm really happy that we four have each other to depend on."

Y/n only gave a smiling nod in response. What else was there to say? Emma had captured the essence of their friendship in words. It couldn't be described any better.

"You know Emma, there is something else that keeps lurking in my mind." A pair of emerald hues turned to the girl who spoke up. "Should we tell Gilda and Don that it was Ray who... merely fooled us with his cheap tricks?"

"You know what Y/n!?" A voice exclaimed from behind. "I think I will have to agree with Norman, you should indeed keep your mouth shut sometimes."

But the white-haired boy ignored that acquaintance and instead approached the two girls.

"They still have much information to comprehend. We just told them about the possibility of a secret room beside mama's office. We should give them at least a little break."


"So the library huh?" Norman hummed when they arrived at the place.

Emma nodded eagerly while opening the door of the mentioned room. As she was the closest one to the entrance, she passed the threshold first, the remaining trio following her. When taking the first steps inside, their eyes began to wander curiously around in search of what Emma wanted to show.

But when the orange-haired girl stopped by a ladder and started climbing it, Y/n woke up from her reverie, jumped up to the tree construction, and began holding it in order to prevent it from falling.

A brief chuckle escaped Emma's lips. "I'm really okay Y/n, don't worry I'm not the one to fall off ladders."

And with that sentence, room for a Ray-comment was created. The boy smirked evilly before speaking up. "Exactly Y/n, with that mindset you should as well hold onto trees when Norman climbs them."

The four youths broke into sincere laughter, savoring the moment of lightheartedness. After all, it was a quite rare visitor in their lives. 

"Please-" Y/n tried to blink away the tears of happiness that were created in the corners of her eyes, while still laughing. "I'm trying to support this ladder here."

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