2 week later

"Hey Sing are you sure you don't want me to help you look for a job?", Sing's best friends said

"No it's pointless, no one would want to hire someone as clumsy as me", Sing mumbled before slamming his head on the table

"I'm useless", He mumbled

"You're not useless, you're the best person anybody would be lucky to hire", His best friend said

"Thanks man, but it's all just pointless Mr. Lynx was the best boss ever I made a million bucks in a week all thanks to him", Sing said

That's when his best friend had an idea

"Well what if you try to get him something so he can hire you again?"

"Nope, Mr. Lynx will just throw it out"

"What if you try to prove to him you can be responsible and organized"


"What if-"

His best friend got cut off when Sing's phone was ringing.

"Hello?", Sing said before getting up and going outside of the cafe to talk.

That's when his best friend had an even better idea in mind, and it'll have to work he thought.

"Hey man, sorry but I have to leave right now my mom said my grandma is in the hospital right now", Sing said before grabbed his belongings

"No worries I have to leave too, so we can hang out another time?", His friend said

"Yeah sure thing", Sing said and was about to head out the door but before he turned around and said

"And please don't try anything, starting next week I'll look for another job okay?", Sing said

"Don't worry I won't do anything jeez"

"Thanks man", Sing said before leaving the cafe

"Of course I'll try something", The mysterious friend said

He payed for his and Sing's drinks before heading out of the cafe as well and heading to his friends old workplace.

"Banana fish. CO?, what a weird name", He mumbled

(Coincidence I think not🦧)

Once he found the huge building and headed inside he saw a lady at the front desk

"Hello sir how can I help you?", The lady said with a smile

"Uhh, I'm here to see Mr. Lynx", He said almost forgetting his words.

"Do you have a scheduled meeting with Mr. Lynx?", The lady asked

"Well no but a friend of mine used to work here", He said

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