Nobody is Perfect

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Where Ash takes Eiji out for a picnic date but it ends up being a emotional date.

"Ash did you pack the cake, specifically the chocolate cake?", Eiji asked packing the rest of the delicious food he and Ash will eat on the picnic.

"Yes Eiji I already packed it all stop worrying too much this picnic will go great",Ash said in a happy mood

"I know I'm sorry I just can't help it, we're going to be away from our baby",Eiji said almost having tears in his eyes

"IT'S JUST A DAMN DOG I ALREADY LEFT FOOD OUTSIDE FOR IT!",Ash yelled back in jealousy since Eiji has been talking about his 'baby' all day.


"Oh, my baby is here I can hear him",Eiji said and dropped the blanket for the picnic and headed outside

"Oh dear god",Ash said before picking up the blanket and continuing to pack

Meanwhile Eiji ran outside to see if his baby came to see him go off for his and Ash's picnic date at the hills.

"My baby you came to see me, I promise I'll come back at exactly 10 pm tonight to feed you the most delicious meat",Eiji said in excitement and started petting his baby.

His baby didn't do anything but bark back.

Yes his baby is a dog, a precious dog.

"Okay my baby papa's got to go now, but I'll come back in the blink of an eye precious",Eiji said and started slowly walking back while almost tearing up.It's like he was sending away his child for college.

"Eiji are you ready I don't want to get there late",Ash said peeking outside and seeing the demon dog sitting there

Yes Ash thinks Eiji's baby is a demon dog.

"I'm coming Jeez, you know it wouldn't kill you to say bye to my baby",Eiji said and huffed before grabbing the picnic basket and heading to the car.

"Yeah no, that thing could bite my hand off and you probably wouldn't even care",Ash said in jealousy

"Sounds to me like you're jealous of my baby"

"Eiji, it's a dog. I don't get jealous by dogs"

"Okay sure whatever, just hurry up I want to eat cake",Eiji said whining since know he was starving.And he really wanted some chocolate cake.


After driving 30 minutes and arguing over who gets to use the aux cord, they finally made it to the picnic grounds and started setting it up.

"This feels nice the warm sun, the blossom trees,the delicious food and",Eiji paused and gave Ash a cheek kiss.

"My boyfriend to spend the day with, nothing and I mean nothing can ruin this day",Eiji said before quickly bringing out the food for him and Ash.

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