The torch passed down

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Darkness....was all he could far his eyes could let him...Izuku soon finds him self...floating...aimlessly in the void that seems to have no end to it 
Izuku: "what...what the fuck?" he can't feel or hear anything...just his own voice...all he could do is talk...but...he wants to know what happened 
Izuku: "Adam" Adam Smasher...the mech designed for shit like his father Hisashi Midoriya...his Mother...who gave life to the Headmaster of the makers...and was the one who orchestrated everything that went wrong in his life...Momo...Eri...they're still out need off his help...he needs to help them...he tried to move around..but he can't tell if he's moving or not...he's trying his damn best to make an effort...Death fears him...not the otherway around..soon he starts punching shit..and he kept going and going until finally...something happened...he was suddenly thrusting upward at a very highspeed...seeing a light in front of him..he squints as it blinds him...all he could see...was white now......but just as the white simmers down..he wakes up again...but in snow...he slowly gets up...ignoring the freezing environment he's in right now...he's in a forest...but he also noticed..hi left arm...and right leg are there..but they are pitch shadows...soon he can hear a guitar playing...and a light in the distance...he slowly makes his way towards to try and figure what the hell is going on right now...but once he got there...he was see a the campfire 
Izuku: "Gramps" his grandfather AFO sitting there playing to himself...he of course did not have his injuries fact..he looked...well? if every burden was taken off of him...his white unkempt hair going along with his sweater and snow coat right next to him...he was drinking tea he made from the fire...and of course...the acoustic guitar in his hand with a cigar on his lips 
AFO: "I see you made it here...Izuku" throwing the cig into the snow...putting it out..
AFO: "You look awful...sit by the fire and warm yourself" and he did just that...putting his hands near it...and trying to keep warm" 
Izuku: "how are you here" he asked him 
AFO: "well when you tend to get sent to a place you want to forever be in peace with...this is my ideal choice..snow....the forest...the cold winter environment...and most of all...the silence" only the snow coming down is nothing else except them would make noise 
Izuku: "I'm dead Gramps...they won...My father" 
AFO: "I know Izuku...I know...I saw it through your pains me as see i had many chances to take her down..but never did...what she had planned on doing all this time...well...that's a whole other thing" 
Izuku: "I need to get back" 
AFO: "how exactly...your body is in a cryo chamber...and you don't have your arm or're defenseless in this situation" 
Izuku: "doesn't mean i can try gramps...i want to save this fucking world from those people..from the mother...i want to save my father now as well" 
AFO: "I see" 
Izuku: "how did you die" asking him
AFO: "Shigaraki...since i made a copy if my quirk..i gave it to him...and Tartarus is in shambles now...they fight the heroes...but not what's going on here" 
Izuku: "hmm" 
AFO: "sit down...don't worry for the moment..when the time'll know" since he has nothing to do now...he took a seat across from him 
Izuku sees a coat...his fathers coat he puts it on 
AFO: "that Jacket belonged to your father obviously...Smasher...using my sons brain as a means of keeping him alive...i want them dead..for what they did to him...and you" 
Izuku: "I will kill them when the time comes...only thing is how i can get out of a cryo chamber" 
AFO: "You say it like your not dead" Izuku just stays silent
AFO: "What did you do" 
Izuku: "Made a plan ahead of next module...Second heart...if my first one was ever injuried where it could be fatal...the second one takes over on the left side of my chest giving it another boost in bloodflow" 
AFO: "I never understand how you do this" soon he hands Izuku the guitar
AFO: "Sing something...not that metal or hip-hop crap...give me a real song" 
Izuku: Hehe...haven't hold one of these in a while...alright i'll bite...this was inspired by both you and dad" and he begins to play 

strumming the them of the song as he slowly makes the mood...soon 
Izuku: "I walk...through the valley...of the...Shadow of death!...and i evil...Because i'm blind!!! it allll!! my mind...and my gun...they comfort me!" singing it 
AFO was slowly nodding to the music he made sure it was the only thing he hears 
Izuku: "because i know i'll kill my enemies when they come....surely goodness and mercy will follow me...all the days of my life!" 
AFO looking down listens closely
Izuku: "And i will dwell on this earth forevermore!!...said i'll walk beside the still waters and they restore! my soul...but i can't walk in the path of the right...Because i'm wrong!" and soon AFO started clapping to the beat 
Izuku: "well i came upon a the top of the hill!!!...he called himself the savior of the human Race!!!....said he come to save the world from destruction and pain...but i said how can you save the world from itself!" soon AFO starts to whistle a solo for him as he continues to play...he has to admit he is very good at that shit...soon from the deepest depths of his heart he lets it all out 
Izuku: "CAUSE I WALKED THROUGH THE VALLEY of...THE SHADOW OF DEATH AND I FEEL no evil BECAUSE I'M BLIND!!! And i walked beside the still waters and they restore my soul BUT I KNOW when i die my soul is i know when i die my soul is i know!!.....when i dieeeeee....My soul is......damned!" finishing the song as he slowly feels tears falling off the cold breeze keeping him calm...
AFO: "Well...i'm glad to know you didn't lose your touch...
Izuku: "Thanks" 
AFO: "Izuku we don't have much time left here...until you head back to the i'm going to give you my parting gift" 
Izuku: "the hell are you talking about?" 
AFO: "Izuku...i'm so very proud to call you my the your my your father" and soon a black tendril comes out and it hits his arm...feeling the pain that is surging through him...he keels over in pain 
Izuku: "agh...what...what the fuck  Gramps" soon he sees he's starting to fade away slowly 
Izuku: "Wait..what's going on?!!" 
AFO: "You now...are strong enough to save the world Izuku...don't forget where you came from..and your blood...when the time comes...i'll be seeing you whenever alright?" 
Izuku: "No...NO! GRAMPS DON'T GO!!!" crying out 
AFO: "It'll be alright'll be alright." and soon he fades away leaving him in the cold...the fire goes out as he left...
Izuku: "No..." what was it that he gave him...he doesn't know...a quirk? would've felt it...but he didn't...or maybe...he did...soon the forest seems to die off..and he is taken somewhere else...again it's the plains now...large fields of grass lay before him..and a woman is in front of him...she turns around and she looks very beautifil..her long black hair and distinct features...but most of all 
Izuku: "Thunder thighs" he said outloud 
"Ugh" she was taken back by his response 
Izuku: "Who the hell are you" 
Nana: "My name is Nana Shimura Izuku Midoriya" 
Izuku: "right....but what is this now" 
Nana: "nothing of the sort...only to find out about an enemie behind the shadows" 
Izuku: "Yeah that's what the makers do to you..shock value...that's it" 
Nana: "I called you here because i want to explain something to you real quick" 
Izuku: "and what is that" 
Nana: "AFO gave his quirk to now possess the power to take and give quirks" 
Izuku: "okay tell me something i don't know" 
Nana: "you're not's been your longtime dream to have a quirk" 
Izuku: "and i've been doing so good without it...until a giant robot with my dads brain killed me" 
Nana: "and that's the point where i'm getting...i taught your father long ago with Toshinori....well he was still in highschool and Toshinori was barely getting used to the OFA quirk" 
Izuku: "just get the point already" 
Nana: "You're father is in there fighting for his life...Inko is slowly going insane from the amount of power that reality quirk is releasing..the more exposure she has with it...the more crazy she gets" 
Izuku: "and your telling me she wasn't before" 
Nana: "i need you to use the quirk to take that Reality quirk" 
Izuku: "taking a quirk that'll make me a literal god...whatever...sure" 
Nana: " that?" 
Izuku: "get it over with..don't want to have to deal with a fucking speech that'll last forever...nwo you got you're answer what are you going to do now" 
Nana: "well..i'm going to be with you the rest of the way" 
Izuku: "I'd rather have gramps than you thunder thighs" 
Nana: "enough with the nickname" 
Izuku: "well then lets hurry up we have a fucking world to save...even though it's burning itself lets go" and they walk in a random direction 
Nana: "You don't even know how to exit" 
Izuku: "oh i know....but when the time comes..we'll be ready for shit to happen..believe me on that" 

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