return to Sender

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soon Panam was driving the old van they carry around with them...with Jackie and Dabi in the this is only the first time ever Dabi had felt motion sickness from it
Dabi: "fucking bitch...are we almost there..feel like i'm going to vomit out everything" 
Panam: "quit whining...we're almost there...the Wraith camp is just ahead" in which she means the otherside of the badlands...far from it as well 
Jackie: "Yeesh this place is a lot bigger than i remembered last time" 
Panam: "Maybe you were driving the highway like most city dwellers" and they hit another bump again...Dabi fell over and he was just laying down now
Panam: "Oh shit...that storm is heading right for us" soon Dabi looks up to see the scariest thing he has seen so far...a huge Sandstorm that doesn't seem to end is approaching them fast 
Panam: "but on the other hand this is actually'll be covered in the sand so they can't detect you at just need to sneak out the cache they keep somewhere in their base...get it and go...let me know when you get out...i'll be watching from a long range using the rifle she has soon both Dabi and Jackie run up to the base...
Jackie: "Okay if i remember this place have a back gate to enter" 
Dabi: "Used to?" 
Jackie: "when this was still in operations...i think...but go around the back to see any opening...its been looking like shit so maintaining this isn't their priority...i'll give you a heads up if i find one" 
Dabi nods and they both split up...using the storm to head up top 
Panam: "going through the sides seems useful...there are no gates covering them...try and head down from the excavator" 
Dabi: 'fuck me' he sees the giant machine...and he climbs on it slowly climbing down the conveyor it even still had some coal on he then exits the thing...he sees the building hanger lights flickering making it look like a horror movie...
Dabi: "Oh fuck" he gets closer...and he sees blood trailing off into the building...then he opens it he wanted to vomit from the smell 
Dabi: "Jesus....fuckinkg hell" 
Jackie: "what?" he almost screamed 
Dabi: "Fuck tell me when you approach me" 
Jackie: "I see you've started the party without me" 
Dabi: "No...not my doing man" 
Jackie: "you saying...they're dead?" 
Dabi: "Massacred is more like it" 
Jackie: "hey Panam...seems our little wraith problem has been cleared up...but we don't know for sure" 
Panam: "hold on i'm coming over" and she hangs up
Dabi: "something doesn't feel right here Jackie..." 
Jackie: "i can feel it too...what the fuck is going on here?" 
Panam: "alright i'm here...hold on" she uses her quirk...Collateral allowing her to see through walls and other solid objects...allowing her to use her sniper rifle better she looks to see...nothing
Panam: "there isn't anyone here" 
Jackie: "is there a basement?" 
Panam: "hang on" using it again...again no 
Panam: "No" 
Dabi: "well..seems we need to find your supplies then" and they enter the building...the flickering lights make this very creepy...even the stairway to the basement is only lit up by the almost dead glowsticks that light it up 
Dabi then makes some flames to light it up 
Jackie: "i'll cover you Amigo" and they slowly go down 
Panam: "the fuck were they doing here?" seeing the blood leaking down into the's not right..this isn't some sort of accident...they see a Wraith member ripped apart...the head was gone...but they can't find it...
Jackie: "this is not good Pendejo" 
Dabi then sees a metal door...of course he used his flames to melt it open...then they see more bodies stacked up like a jenga tower...toyed with as they were just figures
Dabi: " i'm really worried" 
Panam: "where's the cache" trying to find the stolen supplies...they found the terminal leading into the boiler room...and they turn it on.
:Alternative power connected...power restoration at 50 % 
Dabi: "Well that's something at least" and some of the lights turned on...all except for the corner..where a gate is...the signs of Do not open or kill it is there
Jackie: "look" seeing it...the Aldecado cache...seeing the logo on it behind the gates 
Panam: "perfect" trying to open
Panam; "hey blue boy open it" 
Dabi: "You sure about this...the warning isn't here for nothing" 
Panam: "probably trying to scare away looters remember you have a meeting to catch" 
Dabi: "fuck" 
Jackie: "just do it Mano" so he sets the lock on fire...and it melts off causing the chain to fall of the fenced gate...then he opens it...its rusted sound echoing throughout the entire building
Panam: "to loud" soon she opens the cache seeing it still has the contents 
Panam: "'s still there" picking out certain items from it and puts it  into a backpack...and then she hands it to jackie
Panam: "alright lets delta the hell out of here" soon a growling is heard 
Dabi shines the blue flames to see eyes illuminating from the light 
Dabi: "GET BACK!!" pulling in and then barely avoids...long claws 
Jackie: "THE HELL?!" seeing it come out now...a NOMU 
Dabi: "what the fuck?!" and it seems to be made of metal
Panam: "RUN!!" and they sprint to the exit hearing the NOMU screaming out to them 
Dabi then lets out blue flames behind him to ensure it will be caught
Dabi: "A NOMU!" 
Panam: "A WHAT!" soon they head back up back into the main building...and then the concrete burst opens as the beast is now infront of them 
Jackie fires his weapon but it was useless...
Dabi: "Hold on!" soon he builds up his both Jackie and Panam try to distract it...of course like an animal it has no idea what to do...soon it then sheds an extra skin...going down now to becoming silver 
Jackie: "this thing is gross as hell!" 
Panam: "Your telling me!" and soon Dabi was done...
Dabi: "Gonna make you burn....become the sacrifice!" as he then slams the ground and a torrent of blue flames engulf the it screams out in pain the metal skin soon melts off giving the two a chance to hurt it Jackie brought out Diablo and just unloaded his entire magazine into it while Panam tries to go for headshots with the high caliber sniper rifle...
Dabi: "come on" he feel the sides of his legs and wrist burning...the pain coming in...he couldn't take it..he undoes it now 
Dabi: "AGH!" falling over from it...the NOMU staggers for a it's burnt body cannot's limbs on the ground...and then it falls over letting out a final scream as it dies 
Dabi: "fuck...can't things go good for once" complaining now 
Jackie: "We got it Mano!" 
Panam: "jesus...what the fuck was that thing?!" coming down now to help Dabi up 
Dabi: "That was called a NOMU" 
Jackie: "those fuckers...those are the same ones me and V saw back at Tokyo" 
Panam: "you mean during their so called War?" 
Dabi: "yeah...but this one was didn't seem to be artificially looked like it actually merged with something" 
Panam: "what do you mean?" 
Dabi: "look at it" and they both look at the head...seeing more than one face on it merged together...creepy as fuck as they can put it 
Jackie: " least we stopped it for now Mano...come on..lets get this shit back to Saul." 
Panam: "i'll drive" and they soon head back out into the desert as the storm almost knocked them over....Jackie helping Dabi move finally got him into the passenger seat and they soon drive off back towards camp 
Panam: "this fucking thing isn't going to get through the dunes...we need to find a place to stay for the night" 
Jackie: "how about that house over there?" pointing at the very hard to see shape.
Panam: "that could work...alright we're heading there then" and they turn towards they parked in front of it the storm gotten stronger 
Panam; "head in!" and they run in but Dabi tries his best to hold his breath once they got in the door closes...and just flop over the ground 
Dabi: "shitty day" 
Jackie: "hehe just a Tuesday for me Mano" 
Panam: "would you two shut up and help me...otherwise we're going to freeze to death" trying to get the fireplace working...
Dabi: "move over" and she did...he just set the chimney on fire..the blue flames now a comforting orange illuminating the looked like it was left in a there was still family photos and personal items 
Jackie: "ey Amiga this place sure was left in a hurry" 
Panam: "there used to be farmers that live here" 
Dabi: "why did they leave?" 
Panam: "new jobs....same thing as always..built up a new farm over north of here...get away from all the danger here and live peacefully...god that sounds nice" 
Dabi: "wouldn't mind a bit of peace and quiet" 
Jackie soon sits on the chair: "ahh...this is what i'm talking, Two friends, one an emo, and the other a hot-headed hot chick" and Panam laughs 
Panam: " flatter me" 
Dabi: " does sound nice though..." although he rubbed his arms and leg 
Panam: "here let me see" kneeling down to pick his leg up...she pulls the fabric back to see where the burn is...and it's right on his shin 
Panam: "yeesh" soon she pulls out some bandages and a water bottle 
Dabi: "what's the water for?...don't you need it cold?" 
Panam: "putting cold water over a hot burn makes it worse...has to be room temp" and she pours it on his shin making him grunt in pain 
Panam: "well at least the skin didn't fall off" and she wraps it...
Jackie: "must be nice mano...all the night...being patched up by a beautiful woman" 
Panam: " you have anyone" 
Jackie: "Oh the most astonishing girl i could have...oh always know what to do." 
Dabi: "thanks" but she wasn't done 
Panam: "I'm not doing a half assed job...take your shirt off or i'll rip it off for you" 
dabi: "um..." 
Jackie: "Better do what she says Mano..don't want to look like a hobo to rogue" he sighs and follows her request...he unbutton his shirt exposing the other scars he had..some burns...others cuts...and one that seems to be intriguing
Panam takes a look at his arm to see some burns are present...she of course bandages him after pouring more water on him 
Panam: "say..what's this scar by your heart?" seeing the blacken thick skin covering it 
Dabi: "got it from someone i hate...who did me wrong in life" 
Panam: "did you get him back" 
Dabi: "Yeah i did...fucker deserved it" 
Panam: "I bet he did if he also was the one who gave you these scars" 
Dabi: "You don't know the half of it" 
Jackie: " fact: me and V once got into an argument at No tell Motel one time..and Johnny thought we were doing it so we ended up chasing him in the streets all bloodied up from out last gig...the look on his face was priceless mano" laughing it off 
Dabi: "i would to if two crazy people chase me" 
Panam: "what about you..did anything crazy?" 
Dabi: "believed in Johnny...and helping him" 
Panam: "fair enough...lets time we rode all the way into Arizona one time heading through the canyon...of course from the top it looks horrid...but at the bottom it was beautiful..until saul somehow missed his footing and stuck his foot into highly acidic water that come from one of the old mines that they used to have up north near the was crazy to know that the wildlife also try..pfft...there was this coyote that followed us around...and once we got to...hehe...once we got to the end off it the coyote was a female and was attracted to tried coming on to him while he ran trying to get was the funniest thing on the trip honestly" 
Dabi: "I bet" 

soon after a while Jackie was asleep 
Panam: "Still up?" 
Dabi: " know after knowing you for about one day..i like hanging with you" 
Panam: "well all it needs is just a moment to spark something hmm...and i know you're not getting rid of me anytime soon" 
Dabi: "I bet" soon Panam sighs and puts her legs on him 
Panam: "oh i'm beat....honestly beats sleeping on the sand" 
Dabi: "why" 
Panam: "your comfortable..who cares just live it" 
Dabi: "Oh ma'm you look awfully tired,,i would recommend taking your shoes off" 
Panam: "why certainly monsieur" and it comes off her like nothing 
dabi: "oh madam you look awfully tired allow me to provide comfort in any way possible" 
Panam smirks: "you may come here then" she flips over to soon lean on him 
Dabi: "uh" 
Panam: "just shut up and let me have this...i haven't ever been into something like's funny a girl like me never in a relationship or friends of any kind like this" 
Dabi: "you and me both" 
Panam: "well good night Dabi" 
Dabi: "Touya" 
Panam: "hmm?" 
Dabi: "My name is Touya" and she smiles 
Panam: "I'll remember that" and they both drift to sleep 

the next morning 
Dabi of course groan in pain, stiff from sleeping upright he sees both Panam and Jackie aren't there at the moment...he gets up putting his shirt back on and opens the door to see both of them talking to Saul 
Saul: "I see you got the supplies...good work.." and he sees Panam happy about...her truck 
Panam: "saul...why didn't you tell me" 
Saul: "because i know you were going to drop everything to head our way putting our friends here in danger" 
Panam: "what no..i wouldn't do that" 
Scorpion: "you did it to me and Mitch one time when someone took your medkit" 
Panam: "that was one time" 
Mitch: "and the time you took Scorpions bike to follow a corpo who also took a certain necklace" 
Panam: "you guys are no fun" 
Saul: "anyways...with that out of the way...we need you back right now..we have a certain lets go" and the three get into their car 
Panam: "well..thanks for helping " 
Jackie: "No problem..just holler and we'll help maybe" 
Dabi: "right now we need to head back to-" and their phone rings 
rogue: "helping the Aldecados knowing they owed me...interesting...but no more wasting time..head over to the Afterlife...we have a new plan in set" and she hangs up 
Panam: "well then...give that old bitch the finger for me" 
Dabi: "will do" and they walk away entering the car they took Jackie looks at Dabi who is watching her drive away 
Jackie: "Normally i would say go chase while i walk back...but right now we need to find Johnny and the others...also the whole maker bullshit we're going through right now" 
Dabi: "..." 
Jackie: "kid?" 
Dabi: "...alright" and soon they head towards the Afterlife...ready to prepare for their invasion of I-Islands 

Panam: "hey Saul what's going on with the-" she stops to see an older guy...he was wearing leather..that's all she could describe his hat and shades with of course...his magnum 
Saul: "Panam..this is" 
Santiago: " your presence...and i have something to tell you all" 

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