Yakuza Raid: 'the war in the background'

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as the Yakuza member was busy attacking the police...Fatgum kept the other Yakuza from coming out with Kirishima as well..since the quirk erasing bullets are being used on them...Izumi used her telekinesis to pull away their guns and Mirio would go up to knock them out in the process...soon the first Yakuza was stopped...
Izumi: "alright" 
Fatgum: "keep moving" 
Nighteye: "watch your corners" and they rush in...as the other members are taken care off...Ryukyu goes up to the rooftop and attacks the members camped up there trying to rain bullets on them...as Naomasa uses his quirk on them trying to get more information off of them 
Gran Torino soon takes more down and they ascend the first floor 
"boss the heroes...they're here" 
Overhaul: "very well then...seems they're keeping her safe at U.A...send them in...let them take her...should be simple" 
"you got it boss" 

Aizawa: "hold up" he stops them...they hear some ruffling in the background...some...screaming...of course this concerns them...
NIghteye: "be mindful of your surroundings...do not let your guard falter" and they slowly continue...as the silence unnerves the students and Tamaki gets his quirk ready 
Izumi: 'wish Izuku was here right now' wondering where her brother is

soon the final police car exits the headquarters and soon four figures start walking towards it...and then...a button was clicked...and all power within a 5 mile radius was cut off leaving it in a complete blackout...Izuku gets O'Five and fires at the front door...and the hanger door is blown off 
Izuku: "GO!" and they rush towards it...as they go in...they saw no one was in there...it was completely empty...which is very odd...but they ignored it as Izuku scans around for anything out of place...going through the front lobby...the offices and even the captains room...they found nothing so far...until they went into the basement where autopsies and where evidence is stored...Izuku soon scans in the storage room to find...something 
Izuku: "found something" and they come up to him 
Jackie: "sheesh...the fuck is this?" looking at an odd marking in the wall 
V: "could be a door...a lock somewhere?" 
Stain goes up to it and feels the material...even to so much as grinding the sword on it...
Stain: "it's not cement...that i can tell you as the other walls here are made of cement and this particular spot isn't
Izuku gets to the back and the others know what he's going to do 
Izuku: "let's find out them" and shoots O'Five at it and it explodes...soon a small hole is seen and Izuku uses his gorilla fist to make the hole large until it was big enough for the four of them to fit...Izuku then takes out an SMG provided to them 
Izuku: "be on your guard" as they decend the large stairway going even further down into the ground...being as quiet as possible...it was barely lit...the power being cut off seem to affected it a lot more than they expected
soon some yelling is heard 
"I DON'T FUCKING CARE GET THE SYSTEM BACK ONLINE WE NEED TO MONITOR THE RAID IMMEDIATELY!!!" so they're monitoring the raid...figures...soon they peek over a wall to see a whole control room filled with nothing but people...wearing strange masks...only covering the face as the top part and every one of them seems to have a different symbol on them...for some reason...
Jackie: "'holy shit" he whispered 
V: 'how are we going to take them" they honestly don't know the skill level they are at...but it seems it could be a tricky thing...
Izuku scans around for anything that can be used as a means of countering them
soon Izuku then just goes fuck it..and stands up the power came back on 

A.I: "power restored." but as it was restored it immediately sounded an alarm
A.I: "Warning intruder alert!" as Izuku then jumps out and fires his O'Five killing one of the members 
"SHIT how'd THEY GET IN!!" 
"BURN IT DOWN!" but they were also killed by both Jackie and V Stain then runs into the fray slicing up the other members...one of them had a quirk that allows them to summon metal from their body making a very sharp spiked appendage on their arm and they swing it around trying to hit them 
Izuku dodges and uses the SMG to fire but the figure was so fast it deflected the bullets 
Jackie: "time for Diablo baby!" and uses the radiation rounds on them and it managed to hit him on the ankle causing him to stagger 
V then rushes in and kicks his head soon she brings out a knife and stabs into his shoulder 
Izuku then fires O'Five point blank at his chest and it creates a large cavity clearing what seems to be a lobby
Izuku: "alright...control room cleared" and the alarm is still blaring and they enter the corridor leading into multiple rooms as more guards are coming out and they fired at them...soon turrets pop out from the bottom of the floor aimed right at them a single bullet could blow them apart 
Izuku: "FUCK!" barely dodging one Izuku uses PJL to fire a smoke round and proceeds to run towards the Turret...he hacks into the other one and overloads it's system causing it to explode V then creates a distraction while Izuku rushes towards the other turret Jackie and Stain noticed more are coming from behind so they defend that area...once Izuku makes it to the last turret it tried to fire at him only for Izuku to forcefully turn it around hearing the motor werve and then he yanks the weapon out of the turret  he turns around 
Izuku then starts firing at the guards breaking through their tough armor and the quirks they have...but something seemed off about them...they all have combat based quirks...
Izuku: "J!" and he nods as he rushes using Diablo to plow through another group of guards as they tried to kill him...the armor could only take so much damage as Izuku keeps firing....behind him...soon something unexpected happened he was hit by a giant fist and he was launched back 
V: "SHIT!" and again she was punched as well 
Izuku then looks up...to see the dust clearing...the guards are dead but one thing for sure...in front of them
Izuku: "the pro hero...Mt Lady" as the giantress looks at them expressionless...but something was definitely off here her she wasn't wearing her hero costume she was wearing a patients gown and seemed to just attack anything in sight
Izuku: "guys...don't kill this one...i want her" 
V: "are you horny" 
Izuku: "not like that V...no way the giant cunt is here wearing a patient gown...something is not right here" 
Jackie: "leave it to me" and he charges in 
Stain: "i'll cover him" Izuku turns to also see...
Izuku: "what the fuck?!" he sees Gang Orca
Gang Orca: "how did you get here" so he's the real deal 
Izuku: "you're with the makers aren't you" 
Gang Orca: "we have no choice...their cause is for the greater good..you don't belong here...you will D-" but he was shot in the head by V
V: "he talks to much" 
Izuku: "very anti-climatic" deadpanning at her 
V: "all it takes it one bullet" 
Stain "so Gang Orca...how pathetic" seeing his corpse 
Jackie then comes back holding Mt Ladys unconscious body 
Jackie: "snagged her Mano...though it's annoying" 
Izuku then puts some bindings on her to make sure she can't attack or move soon they head on deeper into the rabbit hole...looking around...to find another room...filled with nothing but kidnapped victims from the past years 
Jackie: "what the fuck" 
V: "this is where they are" 
Izuku: "only one of them that holds them...fucking binding them like cattle" seeing the ages ranging from 18 all the way to even fucking 5!
soon he sees a small child with a status board...Deceased...there was a report log on it so he plays it 

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