"Hey, uh, guys?"

"Y/N?" Jimin's head immediately perks up at the sound of your voice as you stand outside the door, completely unaware.

"Alright, I'm pulling the last card on this." Jin heaved a deep breath before his hand slipped on his pocket, pulling out a cat snack. Jimin's ears perk as the smell infiltrates his nose.

Within a matter of seconds, the feline hybrid transforms back into his cat form as he jumps on Jin, the latter's reflexes kicking in and quickly catching Jimin safely in his arms.

The orange-furred cat meows as he tries to reach up for the cat snack enclosed in Jin's closed fist. He unrolled his hand and the feline immediately caught the snack in his mouth.

He smirked in triumph. "Gotcha."

As if on cue, the door swiftly swung open and you emerged from the doorway, your gaze landing on Jin who held the feline hybrid securely in his arms. You sighed in relief and he smiled at you, motioning to Jimin.

"Noona!" Jungkook exclaims in delight when he sees you. He then inches closer to you and clinges his body to your side, resting his head on your shoulder. You gently pat his head, feeling his soft bunny ears as you play with them.

"Oh, Y/N, right?" Jin asks and you nodded, flashing him a friendly smile as you intertwined your fingers on Jungkook's and rubbed his hand with your thumb. "Yup."

His eyes lingered on your face for a moment as if he was trying to remember something. His brows knitted. "Wait, have we met each other?"

"Uhm, not that I remember.." You replied, a small crease appearing on your brows. He releases a small sigh and nods, caressing the feline's fur. "Really? I could've sworn I might have saw you before."

"Hi, Y/N! I'm Taehyung, by the way.." The other black-haired guy interrupted, whom you assume was the other guy on the call last time, as he reaches out a hand to you with a wide grin plastered on his lips. You stifled a laugh at the energy he radiated and held his hand.

"Hi Taehyung. You must be Jungkook's friend?"

"Well yeah, I guess." He shrugged, scrunching his nose. You retracted your hand away when Jungkook gently kicked Taehyung on his leg.

Jin stood by your side as the two of you silently watched Taehyung and Jungkook exchange quiet banters, careful not to distract the feline who's still chewing on cat snacks. "I'll have to take Jimin back from our house. He might have to stay there for 3 days or a week before he can fully return to his normal state."

"Oh, I see.. That's okay. As long as he returns back to normal soon." You replied, glancing to his way. He gave you a small smile before looking down at the feline in his arms. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you find this little guy?"

"Oh, I.. saw him in an alley the other day. He was all alone so I assumed he didn't have an owner." You explain, reminiscing about the night. "I couldn't leave him alone especially when I saw the injury on his body, so I took him home and treated him."

"And..?" Jin trailed off, expecting more for you to say. You laughed, fixing the hem of your shirt. "Well, I found out he wasn't.. how do I put this? Normal. It kinda took me a while to swallow the idea of him being a cat and a human at the same time."

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