Love Til The End

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A/N :
So I did a little poll the other day to see which of my stories (that I am still continuing) y'all wanted me to write on next. This was the one that was picked, and as a surprise, it will be over 2000 words (I technically did 3000, so prepare yourselves)! Enjoy!

The next day...

I was walking in circles waiting. I was waiting for Gabe and James to walk down those stairs, holding each other's hand. Or at least just say "I love you" to each other. But that was not the case. James walks down the stairs. Five minutes later, Gabe comes down. James and Gabe start to have a conversation. I think they expected me to be unable to hear them, but I was close enough that I could make out every word. "Do you think we should tell Nathan?", James asks Gabe. "Maybe later, he does not seem to be in a good mood right now", Gabe responds. "Okay", James replies as he nods his head. They walk away from each other. What do they want to tell me? Should I start secretly filming? Are they actually dating?, my mind says, buzzing with questions. I won't really know until later, will I?

James's POV
Gabe and I both knew Nathan was listening. We just didn't admit it to him. Gabe and I walk away from our conversation and go out separate paths. I walked towards the jet skis. Gabe went another path to get there. When we were both there, we got on the jet skis and went to the island. I had asked Cedric and Jordan to help me set up a little date for us. Luckily they had done a magnificent job. Gabe and I get off the jet ski and walk onto the island. Gabe trips while getting of. He lands on me. We nearly kissed. Luckily though, we did not. I could tell Nathan was watching. Gabe gets off me really fast and helps me up as well. I could tell that Nathan had now looked away. I bring Gabe over to the table that was set up. It had random things that Gabe liked on it. I quickly peck him on the cheek and he blushes. We sit down. I take something out of my pocket. Something unexpected. And no, it was not an engagement ring. I place it on the table in front of Gabe. I open the small container, to reveal a small necklace. It read James in script. Gabe takes out a small container as well and had placed it before me. When he opened it, it revealed another small necklace, but this one read Gabe, in script. We give each other the necklace. "Wait, how?", he asks. "What do you mean by 'how'?", I ask him "how did we both get each other almost the exact same thing?", he corrects himself. "Two great minds think alike I guess.", I reply. "I guess so then, eh?", Gabe asks. I nod.

After the date (they are currently filming a video)...

"Hey guys it's unspeakable here and today we are going to be recreating some of the funniest commercials!", Nathan explains to the camera. "Shall we get started?", he asks. Me and Gabe both nod. We cut the camera and go in front of a green screen. Nathan puts on a necklace and lays down on the floor. We start filming. "Help, I have fallen and I can't get up!", he exclaims while holding the necklace. We cut the camera. Gabe puts on an unspeakable headset. And I'm sorry, but I need to plug this,! I feel much better now. Gabe sits down in front of a monitor. Cedric points the camera at him and starts to film. "Don't worry, help is on the way", he says. We stop filming and Gabe gets up. He gets up a video of firefighters getting into the truck. He plays the video and we start filming. Right before the video ends, we cut the camera. Nathan gets off the floor (I forgot he was there for a minute). Our next commercial to re-enact was....

Drum roll please (long series of drumming sounds)...

A grammarly commercial. I sat in a seat with a monitor in front of me. I pulled up a word document. I start to type a business-type letter. We start filming.

Word through word this is what I typed (If it is underlined it means grammarly came in  and wanted to adjust it):

Dear Boss,

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