The sickness

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Gabe's POV
I have been feeling sick the whole day. I have puked five times now and I feel like trash. James was super worried about me. I wonder. No, can't be. I mean I love him, he couldn't possibly love me! I puke again for the sixth time today. Just then the doorbell rings. I open the door and see James standing there patiently. "Hi", James said. "H-", I cut myself off by puking again. Right in front of him. But instead of being disgusted, James seemed extremely concerned. "Are you alright", he asks. I nod. "I bought you something", James says as he hands me something. It read chicken noodle soup. "Thank you", I say. He nods and leaves with a sad look in his eyes. I just put the soup down and run to the toilet.

Nathan's POV
I wait for the light to change. It was at red. It seemed like an eternity before it changed to green. I go along the roads until I reach Gabe's house. I see James giving something to him. That made sense. But the fact that I was going. James and Gabe would not believe it. James goes to his car. I get out of mine and go to the front door. I knock. Gabe opened the door. "Hi Gabe", I say. His face showed a surprised expression. Of course he was surprised, but not surely as surprised as he looked. "Hi Nathan", he said. "I bought you something", I say. I hand him the paper bag with some soup in it. "Thank you", Gabe said, with that same surprised expression his face. "Feel better soon", I say. "Thank you", he said again. "Your welcome", I reply. I walk towards my car. Out of the corner of my eye I see Gabe closing the door. Still surprised.  I hop in my car and close the door. I turn the keys and start to put my foot on the pedal, when I realize someone was standing by my window. I look out the window and see James. I roll the window down so I could see and hear him. "What's up", I say. "Why you come here", James asks. "I wanted to see Gabe, you know make sure he is alright", I reply. "Stupid YouTube. Comes in front of all your friends.", he said. "You know, YouTube gets you your paychecks", I say, blazing with anger. "You know Nathan, I think I am going to go work for Preston.", he said. I gave him a look that said, I don't care now, and I never will. "See you never", James said. Then I feel a shake and realize that James kicked my car. He kicked it again. "You know I can call the cops on you!", I yell at him and with that he ran to his car. I start driving back to the house. I felt like I could kill someone. I wondered if James was actually leaving. If he was gone than probably over half of my subscribers are gone. Plus if James left, than Gabe would probably get the urge to leave. James and Gabe have done everything together ever since they met. James and Gabe are older than me, so they met before I met them. Their parents were great friends. My family wasn't as close. Just like our friendship. I finally reach home. Jordan and Cedric were there getting ready for a recording session. "So how is he?", they asked. "Shocked, but also good", I say. They nod. "Where is James?", Cedric asks. "He quit", I mumble. "What? Couldn't hear you.", Jordan said. "He quit!", I yell. "What!?!", they both ask. "Why?", Cedric asks. "Cause YouTube 'comes in front of all your friends' apparently", I say. "What about Gabe, is he leaving too?", Jordan asks. "Don't know, but probably. But it is not like he was going to be in any vlogs for a while anyway.", I reply. They nod. "So what are we filming together?", I say. Jordan's face lights up. "Why don't we film a never have I ever", he says. I nod in agreement. Cedric takes a few seconds to think, but after some time agrees. We set up a table. I got the signs that read on one side: I have. And the other: I have never. While I was looking for those, I found something in a box. It was a note from James that had the date of today. I read it. It said:

Dear Nathan,

This is from when I "left" you. If you don't know why then too bad. I feel really bad. I am sorry. I will come back tomorrow. Just text 💯 to me. See ya soon!

From James.

I text him 💯 and he replied see you soon. I go show Cedric and Jordan the note. They read it and rejoiced that they did not have to play Never Have I Ever. We eat dinner and then go to bed. At least I actually didn't loose one of my employees!

Chapter: 2
Word Count 848

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