Into the "Theo"verse Filler.

Start from the beginning

A hooded figure with a large bag of vanilla ice cream yells at Ted.

Ted: And who the fuck are you with your comically large bag of vanilla ice... cream. You bought all the vanilla ice cream you asshole!

Hooded Figure: And what if I did?

Ted: I'd kick your ass!

Hooded Figure: What's your name kid? I wanna write it down on my shittiest people I've ever killed list.

Ted: Well the name's Ted Theo Cole! And don't you forget it! It's the name of the person who's gonna kick your ass.

Hooded Figure: Ted Theo Cole? So you're the person whose ass I have to kick to get back home.

Ted: Hell are you talking about?

Hooded Figure: Like I, Ted Cole, have to tell you anything. Shorty.

Ted: I swear if another person from another world-

Ren appearing next to Ted: Universe.

Ted: Not now Ren.

Theo landing next to the two: Now sounds like it is the best time. Ted Brando.

Ted: Theo when the hell did you get here? Also, I thought we acknowledged that my last name is Cole.

Theo: You're a Brando for the rest of this filler arc.

Ren: Just go with it, Ted.

Ted Cole: Who are those bozos?

Theo: Like you don't know who I am.

Theo, appearing next to Ted Cole: Sup.

This Theo doesn't dye his hair black, same with the other Ted if I didn't mention it.

Ren: So that's what you look like blonde.

Ted Cole: What fucking edge lord dyes their hair black?

Ted Brando: This one you ass!

Theo (MU): Did you just admit to being an edge lord?

Theo (AU): Ha! Fucking Idiot.

Ted Cole: Who cares what he calls himself.

Black marks start slowly creeping up his visible neck and face as his eyes turn yellow.

Tedeo: Ya still die the same!

Ren held up a sign that says

"We're fucked"

As Ted Cole and Theo (MU) are flung by the force of an explosion Ted Cole set off.

Ren's clone body couldn't withstand it and exploded.

Theo: What the hell are we supposed to do against a fucking Demon?!

Ted: I don- did you just say fucking Demon?!

Theo: Not said I can't tell you!

Tedeo: How's it goin' up here!

Tedeo performs an aerial lariat, taking both Ted and Theo to the ground.

Theo: Where the hell is the I Sword?!

Ted: You think I'd have it on me to get ice cream?!

Theo: You get attacked enough doing that! At least have something other than your Tick to defend yourself!

Ted: Well Not tells us whenever we're gonna get attacked so even if I did think to bring it I probably wouldn't have!

Theo put up a lava wall just in time to stop Tedeo from getting to them.

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