Chapter One : From the Beginning

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Chapter One : From the Beginning
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Jason POV:

"I'm so sorry Danny. I didn't mean it."

"NO, get away from me Jason, before I really have to fuck you AND him up."

God how could I fuck this up.

- 2 Years Before

" Wake the hell up before you late on the first day of school!" I heard Moms Yelling.

"Ugghhhhh !" I got up and took a shower before Mom came back even angrier. She never used to yell at me. After Pops died, shes been like that ever since. Something about making me into a man, I always shrugged it off though.

After I got out I starred at myself in the mirror, "Im sexy as hell!". You might call it cockiness but it was true. I'm the cutest thing in my school, Im only a sophmore too. I threw my towel on went to my closet to see what the fit was for the day, I glanced out the window to see if any of my niggas was at the bus stop early. They wasnt, But there was this one cute guy.

Never seen him before. Lightskin, about 5'8, full, pink lips, hazel eyes, curly brown hair, and a lil stubble on his chin. He was so perfect I couldn't stand it.

I think I was starring to long cause shorty looked dead at me. I hurried up and moved out of his sight. I was gonna be late so I threw on my all black joggers, a black sweatshirt and my classic black Jordan 5's.

Danny POV:

"Where the hell is this damn bus?" I kept asking myself. Eventually I got bored and started to get on twitter. I had this strange feeling someone was watching me. As I turned around I couldn't help but notice this guy was staring at me. I guess he saw me see him, cause he quickly moved where I couldn't see. He looked kinda cute. I shrug it off though.

Jason POV:

"JASON!" Mom yelled for the 3rd time til I finally said something. "What!" I Yelled back at her irritated but still brushing my teeth.

"What my ass! I know yo' ass better be ready to go to get on that damn bus cause Im NOT taking you"

"Im ready ma !" I yelled still trying to get myself together.

I hear my iPhone start ringing.It was Kieshas ass. I quickly answered, "What do you want bald-head?" I said jokingly.

Kieshas my bestfriend so I can talk to her like that. She was the first to know I was gay. I didn't even have to tell her. Shes like one of those weird girls who have a gaydar built in their head.

"Shut yo' lil dick ass up.." She laughed.

"Bitch." I laughed with her. Lol this girl gets on my very last, I love her though.

"when you bringing yo ass to school, You know we got to catch the "First Day Cuties" " She said excited.

"Im on my way out the door now. You know these buses is slow as hell"

"Yeah yeah, just bring yo ass on"she said roughly and hung up. I tied the laces to my brand Jordans, grabbed my charger and backpack, threw some bodyspray on and left.

"iight ma, I'm gone" I said before walking out the door.

"Bye baby, be good, & have fun" she was on the phone w/ this guy she been talking to, which is probably why she didn't yell at me again. Only weird part is I've never met him.

I started walking to the bus stop, only to see that it was packed with kids. I quickly spotted and said wassup to my other bestfriend, Tony. He knows I'm gay too, when I told him in eighth grade, he said he didn't care.

Tonys cute. He's straight though, and he's always hugged up under some girl. Whether he know them or not. Fucked up part about it is he goes out with Kiesha. Its best that I stay out of it though. In the middle of me and Tony's handshake, I saw him. My new bae I was staring at earlier, he was even cuter up close.

Tony noticed me eyeballing him, "You want that?" He said smiling.

I started to blush "Yeah!" I said biting my lip. "But dont say anything, he might not even be gay" It was too late though,Tony being the jerk that he is, went up to him and tapped his shoulder.

Danny POV:

I felt someone tap my shoulder,it was some random guy, He was cute.

"Aye, my friend over there like you"

"Oh, yeah? Who?" I said curiously. He's probably talking about some girl. Instead he pointed to someother random guy who looked nervous and excited at the same time. I squinted my eyes a little and i couldnt believe it, it was window stalker.

I cant lie, he was super cute, but I wasnt gonna let myself get caught up, like I did with my last boyfriend, that in itself was too much to handle. So I just shrugged. The random guy turned around to go back to his friend.

Jason POV:

Tonys laughed his way back to me. I punched him in the arm. He was still laughing.

"Nigga you cant be mad cause he dont want you, just proves that you cant pull everybody Jason" he said calming down.

"Nah, Ima get 'em" I said as the bus finally pulls up. I took a much needed deep breathe. What if he wasnt gay? There probably would've been an unneeded altercation.

10 Mins Later still on the bus.

I hear Tony trying to tell some type of joke. But Im ignoring him. I chuckled to myself cause lil dudes not slick. Everytime we lock eye contact he starts smiling and then looks back down at his phone.

Danny POV:

This boy is something else. Everytime I look up he look up and we both start smiling. His smile is so cute its ridiculous. I really need to quit cause i think Im catching some feelings. The bus finally pulls up at school,I got off the bus and went straight to my locker so I could have time to check where my classes were gonna be.

Jason POV:

I got off the bus tryna find shorty. He must think im a player or something cause he went straight to his locker. I really just wanted to talk to him. I aint never been rejected before so I followed him to his locker, sneaking behind him so he wouldnt see me.

"Wassup shorty" I said as I leaned against the locker next to his.

"Hey window stalker" he said giggling.

"U-uh I Im sorry" I studdered while blushing.

"Its ok, Im used to lil creeps like you" he said turning his attention back to his locker.

"Im not a creep, You were just so cute that you caught my attention" I said. I can't believe I'm actually trying to explain myself.

"Is that all?" he asked smart-alick like. I ignored it though

"Let me see your scheduale, I wanna walk you to class"

"No" He said stern.

"No? damn its like that?" I said smiling.

"Yep." He said. Almost completely unphased by me and my flirtacious tone of voice.

"Can I at least get your name?" I asked him. He smiled and looked at me.

"No, nigga" he said as he took his last book out his locker and slammed it. Damn, he's cold. Aint nobody ever shot me down before. Then he walked away from me like nothing ever happened.

"Why he playing so hard to get?" I mumbled to myself


Thanks for Reading. I'm so glad I had a chance to rewrite this. Trust me if you guys had seen all the errors and all the sentences that didn't make sense, you'd be proud of me right now. Anyway, there's gonna be a few changes to the story. I you notice them good, if not then o'well.

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