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Monday, 1st of September, 1975

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Monday, 1st of September, 1975

The summer had flown by in a blink of an eye as year five came around quicker than anyone would have had expected. Hot summer days and cool summer nights had come and went and the day to head back to school was upon all of the Hogwarts students. Some had gotten their first ever letter from Hogwarts while the rest had gotten one of the many that included their list of supplies they would need for the upcoming school year.

Fauna Primrose had spent most of her summer sending and receiving letters from Guinevere Briar, Tabitha Hayes, and Alice Fortescue. All of those girls had gone away on vacation with their own families. Traveling and sight-seeing, sharing all they could through their written words. While Fauna kept in touch with those girls, she had spent the majority of her days with Lily and Severus who made appearances frequently. Like every summer they had occasionally visited one another and stayed over each other's houses. Mainly Lily came over to the Primrose residence because of her sister, Petunia. It wasn't that Petunia and Fauna didn't get along, they were able to tolerate each other. It's just that Petunia had a few freak out episodes when she had invited her new boyfriend, Vernon, over to the house. Her sister was already a "freak" she didn't need more to come up with excuses for.

Fauna had some very unkind words to say to Petunia the first week of that summer for a fifteen year old. Once she had heard her call Lily a "freak" that's when Fauna had stopped holding back her thoughts on the older Evan's sister. From that day on Petunia and Fauna had an understanding. Lily was more than grateful for Fauna because after the other girl talked with Petunia, the harsh words that would be thrown at her had subsided slightly. No one would have thought a girl as kind as Fauna would have been so easy to tame someone as vicious as Petunia and her hate, but people who knew Fauna quite well knew what the girl was capable of when it came to her friends. She was a Gryffindor. A lion who wasn't afraid to bite back to protect the people and things she loved.

One of the rather not so entertaining parts of the Primrose girl's summer was the multiple letters she got each week from none other than James Potter. The fiery haired girl had gotten very familiar with the handwriting that didn't change as much for the past few years she had been at Hogwarts. Each summer she had received letters written in chicken-scratch from the annoying Potter boy. Fauna had also grown quite familiar with the Potter's owl that always came to deliver a new piece of written on parchment to the girl three to sometimes four times a week. Most of the time the girl didn't write back and sent the owl off on it's way, but not before giving it food. Or she would send a short and simple note back asking for the boy to leave her alone and to stop wasting his own time writing to her when it wasn't even worth it. Guinevere had encouraged the girl for years to go easy on the boy but he always knew how to grind her gears.

She had only ever opened up the first few right when they first started to be sent the summer after the first year ended. Lily and Severus were with her with the last one she ever read. Lily had laughed slightly at the small poem the Potter boy had written then complimented the words that he had used to describe Fauna while Severus bitterly talked down on the letter completely. Telling Fauna that the words James was saying while comparing her to things like a star was just not accurate or realistic. And he had soon gotten Lily and Fauna to agree that the letters being sent to Fauna were not that important and it wasn't something to waste her time on.

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