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Light chatter filled the compartment on the Hogwarts Express

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Light chatter filled the compartment on the Hogwarts Express. Guinevere, Tabitha, Marlene Mckinnon and Alice Fortesque all talked amongst themselves as Fauna sat in the corner by the window re-reading Carrie. She had read it over the summer and she loved the book so she figured she would take it with her to school in case she wanted to pick it up again. And there she was on the long train ride, halfway through the novel again. While the girls were talking about the different boys they had met during the summer break, a tapping on the window had caused them all to stop in their conversations. Fauna looked up from her book following the other girl's stares as her green eyes soon fell upon the three boys horsing around outside the compartment. The other teenage girls had begun to laugh at Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and to Fauna's dismay, James Potter as they continued to shove each other back and forth.

Sirius had stopped to wave with a flirty look on his face to the girls, Guinevere shook her head, trying to hide the smile creeping up on her lips. James Potter had shoved Sirius out of the way to blow his hot breath onto the window before writing JP+FP in a heart but his J was backwards. Fauna had turned red as the other girls giggled. The red haired girl who now was practically the color of her own hair took her wand out and flicked it to close the shade on the boys so none of them could see them anymore.

"You gotta admit. He's resilient," Marelene pointed out.

"I think it's quite adorable," Alice sing-songed in her sweet voice.

"Aye. Don't you have a Longbottom to go find?" Fauna tried to change the subject. Alice jumped up in realization that she had left the boy hanging by the middle section of the train.

"Oh. I forgot. But don't change the subject, Fauna. When are you going to give that poor boy a chance? He's in love with you," Alice said before disappearing out into the corridor.

"How about never? He's just an arrogant toerag who doesn't even know what love actually is. He should just give up already," Fauna grumbled.

"Fat-chance. He's in it to win it. And you my dear are the thing he most dearly wants to win. Trust me I would know. He never shuts up about you," Guinevere told her.

"I'd rather jump off the astronomy tower," Fauna rolled her eyes.

"And I have no doubt he would be a couple of steps behind you," Tabitha pointed out.

"Ugh. Can we not talk about him? He wouldn't leave me alone this summer. I swear his owl was at my house nearly every other day. The only time a letter from my house was sent back was from my mother to tell him to shove off. Though she did it in a much more kinder way of words."

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