intro pt. 1

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Wednesday, 1st of September, 1971

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Wednesday, 1st of September, 1971

Excitement had filled the air for all of the young wizard and witches as they and their families were scattered around platform 9 ¾. Smoke rising from the engine into the fresh blue skies. Happy and sad goodbyes were being exchanged before the kids went off with their friends, new and old onto the Hogwarts Express. For the younger ones whose first time traveling to their new school, they were nervous but thrilled. Their eyes were wide with so much wonder as they scanned their surroundings and readied themselves for a new adventure of their own. Once they stepped onto that train, it was another new chapter in the book of their lives. Some would be taking a whole new path as they soon explored all the great things that were awaiting them.

Through the crowds of families on the platform, there stood one of the bunches of muggle families off to the side. The parents, Sara and Jackson Primrose looked around in 'awe' at all the people just like their daughter who stared at the mass of groups in delight. A small, freckled face girl with big green doe eyes held a smile on her face ever since she had gotten her Hogwarts letter. From a young age her parents had noticed small things that were different about the girl. Like when there was something across the room then they would turn around for a split second and when they returned their attention back, there the item would be in their daughters small hands. The girl had inherited her mothers copper colored hair that fell down to her mid-back and had her fathers green eyes which complimented the colorful reddish orangey locks. The Primrose's embraced their daughter with tears in their eyes. Squeezing tightly onto the smaller girl who squeaked out,

"Mam. Pa. I need to go. I can't miss the train!" The ginger haired girl let out as her parents pulled away from her.

"Oh, Jackson. Where did all the time go?" Sara cried out. Jackson looked down at his daughter and laughed at the face she was making towards her mother.

"We will see you for Christmas break, Fauna. Don't get into too much trouble," Jackson Primrose said while ruffling up the top of the younger girl's hair.

"Pa... Stop it!" She whined, playfully glaring at her father before she tried to fix her hair. Jackson soon wrapped his arms back around his wife who still had tears falling from her eyes.  Then the first year girl turned and made her way towards the train with her belongings.

Fauna walked down the corridor that had kids scattered all up and down the way. Passing by full compartments of students. The girl was unsure of where to go, but figured that an empty compartment might have been the best option if she could snag one. Pulling her rolling bag with her and her suitcase. Her eyes peering left and right through the windows to find a vacant space. But her searching had abruptly come to a halt when she soon had been bumped into with much force. A small squeak escaped past her lips as she soon hit her back onto the floor. She slightly wheezed as she took in a breath of air. Pushing herself up to lean her weight onto her elbows, her green eyes that held annoyance in them stared into a pair of blue ones. Taking in her view of a boy with untamed hair. His eyes were wide in shock and 'awe' as he stared down at the girl. His mouth hung open but no words came out of them. He never even offered the girl a hand. She grumbled in annoyance, standing onto her two feet and brushed herself off.

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