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The Hogwarts students were quick to settle back into their school routine the moment they stepped back onto the castle premises

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The Hogwarts students were quick to settle back into their school routine the moment they stepped back onto the castle premises. Finally, back at their second home surrounded by their second families they had made over the years. All was well in their lives. For the school year, the staff would try their best to shield the students from the horrors of the war that continued to grow outside the castle walls. Though for a lot of the older students, they were more aware of some of the things occurring out in the world. But Hogwarts was a place to help distract them for the time being with the fact they were among their peers. 

All was well in the lives of the students when the day of classes rolled around. All except for Fauna Primrose who was graced with a gift that the girl wished she could return. Not a graceful return, such as handing a present back in a kind manner. 


In a manner that you throw something with all your strength to get out of your vicinity. 

The cursed gift in Fauna's case this time was James Potter. 

One moment she was laughing with Lily, Tabitha, and Guinevere as they walked into Transfigurations. The next moment she was glaring daggers into the Potter boy's head the second Professor McGonagall read off the seating chart she put much thought into for the year. And to Fauna's luck, the boy was placed right next to her. 

Godric. Give me strength, was all the red-headed girl could think once she sluggishly took her seat beside the boy.  

It was going to be a long year for her without a doubt. 

"I want you all to excel in your fifth year. It's an important one with your O.W.L.'s," Professor McGonagall began to explain to her students. Walking past a few of them to give them a scolding look for not paying attention.

Looking at all the students' faces from the front of the classroom, her eyes continued to scan the room. Her eyes subtly paused on the pairing of her best student with her... best quidditch player. Minerva McGonagall was in her own head of her mastermind skills. A small twinkle was held in her eyes when she looked at the boy who held an adoring look in his eyes next to the girl who held an annoyed fire on her own. It was quite amusing to the professor. Though it was all a part of her master plan. The long game if you will. 

"Seat changes are not up for debate. I put thought into the seating chart because I believe you will all do well with the help of each other. So please do get familiar with the people you are around because they will be your partners for any pair assignments," McGonagall said with a hidden smirk as she went to turn towards her chalkboard.

A hand instantly rose in the air.

"Yes, Miss Primrose?" she asked without even turning towards the younger girl. 

"Professor, are you positive that there's no way to change the seating? I personally feel like my..." Fauna glanced to her right at James. "...partner, will negatively impact my learning."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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