Chapter Eight - Some Guys Still Believe in Chivalry

Start from the beginning

                “We just got here,” Squeaky Voice said. “It’s kind of boring to go outside.”

                Darn it. I was beginning to really hate Squeaky Voice at the moment. Doesn’t he know that there’s an oxygen-deprived girl hiding under the bed? (Answer: No.)

                “B-but, uhh, it’s such a good day out, guys! Come on, let’s go,” Kyle said.

                I was beginning to not hate Kyle so much anymore, with him actually trying to drive his friends away so I could finally get out of here.

                Unfortunately, though, I was also beginning to develop a massive loathing for his friends, whoever they actually were, seeing as they don’t seem to want to leave at all. Squeaky Voice was actually beginning to top my Persons I Hate the Most List, as he was the one who said, “Uhh, Kyle? It’s pretty much cloudy outside and soon enough, it would rain, you know. So... I don’t really think that it’s such a good day out.”

                I did, however, discover the fact that when you actually find yourself in this situation, you’d find that there isn’t much to do under a bed, so you have a lot of time to think about things. Which is exactly what I did as I tried to tune the boys out. I mean, hey, I might as well do something while I'm at it, right?

                The first thing I thought about was why I actually poofed here in the first place. If our assignments are generally feeling crappy, we are bound to appear close to them or something. Basically, the only I could have ever popped next to Kyle Hughes was because he was feeling miserable.

                As I mulled over that thought, I realized I actually found Kyle’s misery surprising. He doesn’t strike me as a person living a messed-up life. He was Kyle freaking Hughes. You could practically say that he was perfect. So the fact that he had been feeling unhappy could only mean that obviously, his life isn’t quite that perfect.

                Also, he was holding his phone when I came. So that could only mean that he was having problems with the person on the other line. I wonder who it could have been and what his problem actually was.

                Before I ponder at this point, I realized that Kyle and his friends were actually preparing to leave.

                “Okay, fine. Let’s go over to Sam’s room, then,” Kyle said.

                The weight on the bed lifted and I found myself internally sighing in relief.

                “You guys go on ahead,” Kyle said. “I, uhh, I have a call to make and yeah. Meet you back at Sam’s.”

                “Yeah, man, whatever. Come on, let’s go,” Squeaky Voice said.

                Finally, I watched as the pairs of feet all walked towards the door. When the door slammed shut, I crawled out without second thoughts.

                “God, you should clean down there,” I said to Kyle, who looked as relieved as I was. Although, I should be more relieved than him, with me finally breathing perfectly here.

                “Shut up. Now find a way for you to get out of here without anybody seeing you.”

                Argh. If only I had my wand. The thing about fairies like me, we have magical properties within us, which explains why I could poof without my wand. But without wands, that magic is sort of dormant. Like our bodies are reservoirs of the magic, but the wand focuses the energy and lets us use it.

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