The tournament Begin

Începe de la început

Then came our asshol— *cough*  I mean calem

Calem: well well well if it isn't Ash Ketchum the great loser

Ash: well well well if it isn't the great fu**ing Arabian camel. he said coldly yet with a smirk

To say everyone was shocked by the language he used as they all know he never swears. then serena tried to speak (keyword tried)

Serena: Ash I—

Ash: Now if you will excuse me I have to meet my elite four and I don't have time to deal with random idiots so bye

He said took out a pokeball from which pidgeot came out he climbed it and flew off his friends tried to stop him but he was long gone. while serena and the 'others' were shocked and sad that he called them random (I mean not even noticing the idiot part what a idiots)

To Ash he is currently flying towards the back of his hotel to meet his elite four, after a while he arrived and returned his pidgeot when he saw them his elite four which contained lillie,mallow,kiawe and the 'SERIOUS ONE' gladion. Ash then walked up to them.

Ash: yo what's up. he said in his normal voice (which is cold and emotionless)

Lillie: oh Ash it's good to see you again

Mallow: yeah it's been a long time since we've seen you

Kiawe: yeah,I bet you got a whole lot stronger

Gladion: you done revealing?. he said in a serious tone

Ash: yeah yeah now let's go and check out the first match.

They then went to the Main lobby
And waited for the first match to show up on the screen.

After few minutes the matches showed up for the first batch who were:

Random vs random (I am lazy to think)

Lillie vs sabrina (new after Agatha's retirement)

Brock vs barry—

Barry: I am gonna fine you for sending me against Brock

Me: stfu and get the hell out before I kick your 'fine sorry ass'

And the last battle of the day:

Ash vs iris

Ash:'oh this is gonna be fuuuuunn hehehe'.demonic smile

kiawe, lillie and mallow looked at Ash and thought:oh no there is the look on his face again RIP in advance iris's pokemon.and gladion thought uh well he didn't care

Somewhere else:

Iris and her pokemon got chills down there spine

They: why do I fell like something bad is gonna happen

Back to Ash they all went their own ways to train or do whatever they want.

Ash went to his room it was almost night as the ceremony took quite a long time.

A shot Time skip brought to you by
Lance slowly eating his food still depressed about his speech as all the other champions sweet dropped:

It was almost the middle of night Ash couldn't sleep so he took out a luxury ball from which came the legendary Pokemon.....................................Pikachu

Ash: sorry to disturb you pikachu,it's just I can't sleep.he said as pikachu tilted his head confused

Pikachu: And why is that

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