𝐢𝐫𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐮𝐦

Start from the beginning

She spent the summer with her uncle while the sun was out, and her nights were occupied with her boyfriend. Ryland eventually got around to asking those questions about her brother, to which she answered as best she could. That, yes, he was dangerous and powerful, but no she didn't know what it meant that he was inside her head at times. She felt there wasn't any point in outright lying to him, she's sure he always knows when she does anyway.

Again, Adeline never mentions Draco, but would recount the times in second year with the slugs that showed up in Hermione Granger's meals, or the unbridled rage she had felt just in fourth year. It was those moments where he would look weary, but would always blink it away and replace it with a smile.

Ryland knew about the elixir too, and he'd be sure to ask questions about that. Adeline wanted Arthur to meet him, if not because she thought highly of her uncle, but also for Ryland to know the man who had concocted these elixirs that he found so fascinating. His curiosity was always blooming when they spoke of it.

It wasn't possible, however. Ryland was not supposed to know about the terrible family secret - curse, she thought rather - nor was Adeline supposed to sneak out at night to go see him.

When Ryland asked questions about her magic, there would sometimes be brief appearances of something distance and reserved in his gaze. Adeline had recognised it instantly, and every other time it had shown up. Ryland feared her at times, she could tell, but then it would pass and she would be forced to forget about it.

It was nearing the end of August, just a couple of weeks and then they'd back at school. Adeline wasn't looking forward to it but at least she would see Rylan more often than she did now. And possibly Honey.

A few things have changed over the summer, for one Honey had made an appearance back in her life. It was still very fresh, they'd only hung out once together with the help of Ryland. It was meak and shy, but it was there. And hHoney wanted to be there. So, it was a start.

And two, Ryland and her had gotten to know each other a little better under the blanket of night and the sheets of his bed.

Adeline could feel the edges of something within her heart. A timid thing stirring within her every time she looked at him. She wasn't sure what it was and fear often made an imminent appearance if she thought too long on it. Adeline knew his feelings for her were strong, ans she wasn't sure if she'd ever make a worthy opponent for his love. Adeline knew she felt something when he told her he loved her, felt it in her skin when he touched her. Adeline could see him wanting her to say the words, even though he tries to hide it well. She thinks she might, at some point. She allowed herself to think that. But not yet.

Adeline was aware of the dangers of having these people to close to her chest, but they didn't seem to care and it kept throwing her off her usual guarded balance.

Tonight, just a mere week from the beginning of September, Ryland was taking her to a party, which inevitably meant Honey would be there. She tries to tame the hope and excitment within her, but really she just felt like she might throw up.

Adeline waits until eventually Arthur falls asleep, when she sneaks out. She isn't sure what time it is but she knows it's late. Rylan told her he'd meet her at the end of the dirt road that leads to the very dark and windy path to Arthurs. She's lucky they coincidentally live so close. When she arrives, he isn't there. She feels warmth in her palms, light trickling from her skin. It is the only wandless magic she's managed all summer. Arthur did say it's dangerous for her to try any thing else at the moment and she does believe him.

Adeline doesn't carry her wand around with her. It's foolish but she scared her parents might find her through it. Light flickers in her hand and she sees Ryland a few metres away, walking toward her. He smiles and the warmth in her hand manages to duplicate, to burn brighter and hotter. It dies out when he gets to her and they walk together to the party.

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